Summary of Tutorial Steps

  1. Copy CADONLY.RTP to CADONLYREF_ID.RTP. Goto Tutorial Step
    CADONLYREF_ID.RTP will be the name of your new report template.

    REFERENCE_ID_COLOR.LBL will be your new label template used for in-tolerance dimensions.

  3. Add VB Script to REFERENCE_ID_COLOR.LBL. Goto Tutorial Step
    Using the Label Template Editor, you will add VB script code to the new label template, REFERENCE_ID_COLOR.LBL, to set the background color based on the dimension color.

  4. Import the CAD2.RUL rules into CADONLYREF_ID.RTP. Goto Tutorial Step
    In this step, you will import rules contained in the .RUL file into your new report template, CADONLYREF_ID.RTP. The .RUL file contains the set of rules used by the CAD portion of the TextAndCAD report, and it uses REFERENCE_ID.LBL to display the dimension. You will modify rules that uses REFERENCE_ID.LBL to use new rules and the new label template, REFERENCE_ID_COLOR.LBL.

  5. Add VB Script Code to CADONLYREF_ID.RTP
    Using the Report Template Editor, you will add script code to CADONLYREF_ID.RTP at each place in the rule tree that references REFERENCE_ID.LBL to check to see if the dimension is in tolerance. If it is in tolerance, the code will cause it to use REFERENCE_ID_COLOR.LBL. If it is not, the code will cause it to use LEGACY_DIMENSION_CAD.LBL.

If you are creating a new FCF_LABEL.LBL, e.g. FCF_LABEL_COLOR.LBL, at this time you would also change the Feature Control Frame rule to use FCF_LABEL_COLOR.LBL instead of FCF_LABEL.LBL if it is in-tolerance and use another label, like LINE2.LBL, if it is out-of-tolerance.

  1. Modify the Rules to Use the VB Script Code for Remaining Dimensions. Goto Tutorial Step
    At this point the new rules will only be established for Dimension Location. In this step you will use the Copy and Paste functions inside the Rule Tree Editor so that other dimension types can use the same rules.

  2. Test CADONLYREF_ID.RTP in the Report Window. Goto Tutorial Step
    In this step you select the CADONLYREF_ID.RTP template and test it inside the Report window. By the end of this tutorial you will have a report template that causes in-tolerance dimensions to only display the feature name with a background dimension color that matches a color from the dimension color key at the bottom of the page. Out-of-tolerance dimensions will use the LEGACY_DMENSION_CAD.LBL label.