Tutorial - Customizing a Report Template

Most of the time, you won't need to create a brand-new report template from scratch, but instead will want to create a new template based on an existing template that ships with PC-DMIS.

For example, suppose that you have ballooned (or numbered) prints, and you want the ballooned numbers to appear in your final report, such as in the Item column in the PPAP report (as shown below).

How do you get ballooned data into the PPAP template?

Perhaps feature #15 on the print is the X dimension for a hole, feature #30 is the Y dimension, and feature #75 is the hole's diameter. How do you get this information into the Item column in your final report? One way is to configure the PPAP and label templates to pull the information from variables in your measurement routine.

This tutorial shows how to make copies of the PPAP report and label templates. It then demonstrates how to modify them so that the information that appears under the Item heading displays variables taken from your measurement routine, instead of the normal sequential list of numbers that appears in the PPAP report.

This tutorial uses skills learned in the "Creating a Report Template" and "Creating Label Templates" tutorials. You should complete those tutorials first so that you have a proper foundation for this tutorial.

Step 1: Copy the PPAP Report and Label Template

Step 2: Modify Rules in the Report Template

Step 3: Add ASSIGN Statements into your Measurement Routine

Step 4: Modify Label Templates to Read Variables

Step 5: Execute and View Results