Handling Laser Sensor Errors with On Error Command

The Insert | Flow Control Command | On Error option opens the On Error dialog box:

On Error dialog box

You can tell PC-DMIS to skip commands that generate certain laser sensor-related errors during execution by using the On Error command. The command only applies to the default Asynchronous Execution mode.

The information in this topic is specific to Laser configurations. For more information on this dialog box and how it applies to tactile probes, see "Branching on an Error" in the "Branching by Using Flow Control" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

Error type - PC-DMIS Laser tracks these error conditions:

The On Error command must be placed above the Temperature Compensation command in the measurement routine.

Error mode - PC-DMIS can take these possible actions depending on the error type:

If PC-DMIS encounters any other laser errors, it stops execution and ignores the On Error command.

The command has the following syntax in the Edit window in Command mode:


TOG1 = This switches between SKIP or OFF.