Step 4: Set up the Machine Link

This step discusses configuration of a Serial Link which is the most common type of communications link. Other links would be Ethernet, HSSB, and File.

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs | Accessories | Communications and then select HyperTerminal to open a HyperTerminal session on the server computer.

  2. Follow HyperTerminal's initial setup wizard to set the parameters of the serial port to be compatible with the port settings on the NC controller:

COM1, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, hardware flow control.

  1. On the NC controller, select a small measurement routine.

  2. From HyperTerminal, send the measurement routine to the controller serial port. The HyperTerminal window shows the transfer progress.

  3. As an additional test, from HyperTerminal, select Transfer | Capture Text to show a small dialog box.

  4. From the small dialog box, specify a folder and file name for the captured text file.

  5. Specify a folder and file name for the captured text file.

  6. From HyperTerminal, send the measurement routine again.

  7. From HyperTerminal, select Transfer | Capture Text | Stop to stop the capture.

  8. Exit HyperTerminal and open the captured file in a text editor, such as Notepad.

  9. You should see a copy of the measurement routine sent from the NC controller inside the text editor.