This step discusses configuration of a Serial Link which is the most common type of communications link. Other links would be Ethernet, HSSB, and File.
From the Start
menu, select Programs | Accessories | Communications
and then select HyperTerminal
to open a HyperTerminal session on
the server computer.
Follow HyperTerminal's initial setup wizard to set the parameters of the serial port to be compatible with the port settings on the NC controller:
COM1, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, hardware flow control.
On the NC controller, select a small measurement routine.
From HyperTerminal, send the measurement routine to the controller serial port. The HyperTerminal window shows the transfer progress.
As an additional test, from HyperTerminal, select Transfer | Capture Text to show a small dialog box.
From the small dialog box, specify a folder and file name for the captured text file.
Specify a folder and file name for the captured text file.
From HyperTerminal, send the measurement routine again.
From HyperTerminal, select Transfer | Capture Text | Stop to stop the capture.
Exit HyperTerminal and open the captured file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
You should see a copy of the measurement routine sent from the NC controller inside the text editor.