Using Move Feature (Move To / Point To)

Move Feature dialog box

The Move Feature dialog box is available when you use either a Leica Tracker or a Leica Total Station device. It appears when you select the Move Feature toolbar icon from the Tracker Operation or Total Station Operation toolbar. You can also select the Tracker | Move Feature or Total Station | Move Feature menu item.

The Move Feature dialog box contains the Move To and Point To options. These commands are used only with the Leica Total Station or Leica Tracker devices. In addition to the standard move ability of other DCC systems, the Point To command exploits the unique capabilities of these tracker-type systems by using the device as a laser pointer to identify, directly on the part, the location of out-of-tolerance points.

Move To

This option moves the device to a specific location where it then tries to find a reflector.

To move to a point, select the Move To option and then define where it should move to. There are three ways to specify the location to which it should move.

To move to the measured or theoretical value for the point, choose either the Theo or Meas option.

Once you have set up the command correctly, click Create to insert the command into the Edit window.

MVF1       =MOVE FEATURE/MOVE TO,CARTESIAN,THEO,<-36.3574,33.3898,-10.8127>,

            FILTER/NA,N WORST/1,

            POINT TO METHOD/NA,DELAY IN SEC/0.0000,


When PC-DMIS executes this command, the device automatically moves to the position indicated and attempts to find a reflector. If no reflector is found, an error displays that says "AUT_FineAdjust - Request timed out". To get past this error, if there is a nearby reflector, use the Execution Options dialog box and stop the execution, adjust the location to point nearer the reflector, and then click Continue. If a reflector is not close by, click Skip to move onto the next point.

Point To

To point to different hits, the procedure is the same as the "Move To" information above, but there are some additional options. With Point To you can also select from available dimensions in the measurement routine. If you select a dimension, PC-DMIS displays the Point To Filter and Point To Method areas. You do not need to select individual hits in the expanded dimension. All of the hits visible in the dimension will be pointed to, although you can use the Point to Filter area to filter hits.

Point To Filter

The Point To Filter area displays options that control which hits are pointed to. The options include:

When you choose one of the options in the Point To Filter area, PC-DMIS updates the list of hits for the selected dimension in the dialog box to reflect the points to which PC-DMIS points the laser beam. For example, if you select Min/Max, the list of hits in the selected dimension updates with only two hits in the list, which represent the min and the max points for that dimension. If you choose All, the list updates and displays all of the input hits of that dimension.

Point To Method

The Point To Method area lets you indicate how the device cycles through the list of points. The options include:

You can use the Edit window's Command mode to edit the command. Or, you can select the command in the Edit window and press F9 on the keyboard to edit the command.