Quick Start Alignments

Various alignments can be created using the Quick Start interface with your portable device. The basic alignment examples provided here relate directly to Leica reflectors and T-Probes, but the principles are the same for all portable devices.

Example Plane-Line-Point Alignment with CAD and Reflectors

  1. Import a CAD model. See "Importing Nominal Data".

  2. Select Alignments | Plane/Line/Point from the Quick Start interface.

Quick Start showing Plane-Line-Point Alignment

  1. Follow the instructions provided by the Quick Start interface to measure the alignment features.

While not aligned yet to your part, make sure to use the Pulled Hits Method to take measurements. For more information on "pulled hits", see the "Options tab" topic in the "Leica Interface" chapter.

Take Hit (Ctrl + H) stores the current stationary measurement internally. After moving the vector distance, PC-DMIS calculates the IJK vector between the first and second point and compensates the offset of the resulting point accordingly.

Vector Distance depicted for reflector movement

Example Plane-Line-Line Alignment with CAD and T-Probe

  1. Import a CAD model. For information, see "Importing CAD Data or Measurement Routine Data" in the "Using Advanced File Options" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

  2. From the Graphic Modes toolbar, enable Program Mode ().

  3. From the same toolbar, select the mode for your CAD data:

  1. Select Alignments | Plane/Line/Line from the Quick Start interface.

  2. Follow the instructions provided by the Quick Start interface to measure the alignment features in Programming Mode.

Measuring Alignment Features with a T-Probe

  1. Once the measurement routine is completed, execute it by pressing Ctrl + Q or by selecting the File | Execute menu item.

While not aligned yet to your part, make sure to use the Pulled Hits Method to take measurements. For more information on "pulled hits", see the "Options tab" topic in the "Leica Interface" chapter.

Creating Alignments Offline

It is also possible to create an alignment offline using features that were previously measured by selecting features from the Edit window instead of measuring them using the Quick Start interface.