Supported K-Fields

Q-DAS Configurator supports the list of K-fields in the following table:

Key Type Length Field Name
K0001 F 22 Measured Value
K0002 I5 5 Attribute
K0004 D --- Time
K0005 S --- Event
K0006 AN 14 Batch Number
K0007 I10 10 Cavity Number
K0008 I10 10 Operator Name
K0009 AN 255 Text
K0010 I10 10 Machine Number
K0011 S --- Process Parameter
K0012 I10 10 Gage Number
K0013 I5 5 Process Parameter Value
K0014 AN 40 Part ID Number
K0015 I5 5 Reason for Test
K0016 AN 30 Production Number
K0017 AN 30 Workpiece Fixture Number
K0020 I5 5 Subgroup Size
K0021 I5 5 Number of Errors
K0053 AN 20 Order
K0054 AN 30 K0054
K0055 AN 30 K0055
K0056 AN 30 K0056
K0057 AN 30 K0057
K0058 AN 30 K0058
K0059 AN 30 K0059
K0060 AN 30 K0060
K0061 I10 10 K0061
K0062 I10 10 K0062
K0063 I10 10 K0063
K0080 AN 64 Subgroup ID
K0081 I5 5 Value Position in Subgroup
K0100 I5 5 Total Number of Characteristics in File
K1001 AN 30 Part Number
K1002 AN 80 Part Description
K1003 AN 20 Part Abbreviation
K1004 AN 20 Part Amendment Status
K1005 AN 40 Product
K1007 AN 20

Abbreviation Part Number

K1008 AN 20 Part Type
K1009 AN 20 Part Code
K1010 I3 3 Control Item
K1011 AN 20 Version
K1014 AN 20 Part Identification
K1021 AN 20 Manufacturer Number Text
K1022 AN 80 Manufacturer Name
K1031 AN 20 Material Number Text
K1032 AN 80 Material Description
K1041 AN 30 Drawing Number
K1042 AN 20 Drawing Amendment
K1043 AN 80 Drawing Index
K1052 AN 80 Contractor Description
K1053 AN 40 Contract
K1061 AN 20 Customer Number Text
K1062 AN 40 Customer Description
K1071 AN 20 Supplier Number Text
K1072 AN 40 Supplier Name
K1081 AN 24 Machine Number
K1082 AN 40 Machine Description
K1083 I5 5 Machine Number
K1085 AN 40 Machine Location
K1086 AN 40 Work Cycle / Operation Number
K1087 AN 40 Production Cycle Description
K1100 AN 40 Plant Sector
K1101 AN 40 Department
K1102 AN 40 Workshop / Sector
K1103 AN 40 Cost Center
K1104 AN 20 Shift
K1110 AN 20 Order Number
K1111 AN 20 Goods Received Number
K1201 AN 24 Test Facility Number
K1202 AN 40 Test Facility Description
K1203 AN 80 Reason for Test
K1206 AN 40 Test Location
K1209 AN 20 Inspection Type
K1210 I5 5 Measurement Type
K1221 AN 20 Inspector Number (Text)
K1222 AN 40 Inspector Name
K1230 AN 40 Gage Room
K1231 AN 20 Measuring Program Number
K1232 AN 20 Measuring Program Version
K1302 AN 40 Test Batch
K1303 AN 40 Plant
K1311 AN 40 Production Order
K1341 AN 20 Test Plan Number Text
K1343 D 20 Test Plan Development Date
K1344 AN 40 Test Plan Developer
K1802 AN 255 User Field Content 1
K1812 AN 255 User Field Content 2
K1822 AN 255 User Field Content 3
K1832 AN 255 User Field Content 4
K1842 AN 255 User Field Content 5
K1852 AN 255 User Field Content 6
K1860 AN 50 User Field Description 7
K1861 AN 1 User Field Type 7
K1862 AN 255 User Field Content 7
K1900 AN 255 Remark
K1997 AN --- Parts GUID
K2001 AN 20 Characteristic Number
K2002 AN 80 Characteristic Description
K2003 AN 20 Characteristic Abbreviation
K2004 I5 5 Characteristic Type
K2005 I5 5 Characteristics Class
K2006 I5 5 Control Item
K2007 I5 5 Control Type
K2008 I5 5 Group Type
K2009 I5 5 Measured Quantity
K2015 I3 3 Tool Wear Type
K2016 I3 3 100% Measurement
K2022 I5 5 Decimal Places
K2030 I5 5 Group Number
K2031 I5 5 Group Element Number
K2043 AN 40 Recording Device Name
K2060 I5 5 Events Catalog
K2061 I5 5 Process Parameter Catalog
K2062 I5 5 Cavity Catalog
K2063 I5 5 Machine Catalog
K2064 I5 5 Gage Catalog
K2065 I5 5 Operator Catalog
K2066 I5 5 Subcatalog K0061
K2067 I5 5 Subcatalog K0062
K2068 I5 5 Subcatalog K0063
K2092 AN 50 Characteristic Text
K2093 AN 80 Processing Status
K2095 AN 40 Element Code
K2096 AN 20 Element Index
K2097 AN 50 Element Text
K2100 F 22 Target Value
K2101 F 22 Nominal Value
K2110 F 22 Lower Specification Limit
K2111 F 22 Upper Specification Limit
K2112 F 22 Lower Allowance
K2113 F 22 Upper Allowance
K2114 F 22 Lower Scrap Limit
K2115 F 22 Upper Scrap Limit
K2120 I3 3

Lower Limit Value

K2121 I3 3

Upper Limit Value

K2130 F 22 Lower Plausibility Limit
K2131 F 22 Upper Plausibility Limit
K2142 AN 20 Unit
K2202 I3 3 Evaluation Type
K2203 I3 3 Car Body Mode
K2205 I5 5 Number of Parts
K2211 AN 40 Master Number
K2212 AN 40 Master Description
K2213 F 22 Standard Actual Value
K2216 AN 20 Master - Serial Number
K2220 I5 5 Number of Operators
K2221 I5 5 Number of Trials
K2222 I5 5 Number of Reference Measurements
K2281 AN 40 Calibrating Part - Center Number
K2301 AN 20 Machine Number
K2302 AN 40 Machine Description
K2303 AN 40 Department / Cost center
K2311 AN 20 Production Type
K2312 AN 40 Production Type Description
K2320 AN 20 Contract Number
K2401 AN 40 Gage Number
K2402 AN 80 Gage Description
K2403 AN 20 Gage Group
K2404 F 22 Gage Resolution
K2406 AN 40 Gage Manufacturer
K2407 AN 20 SPC Device Number
K2408 AN 20 SPC Device Manufacturer
K2409 AN 20 SPC Device Type
K2410 AN 40 Test Location
K2411 D 40 Test Begin
K2415 AN 20 Gage Serial Number
K2434 I5 5 Proof of Process Capability
K2440 AN 40 Assembly Component
K2505 AN 20 View Description
K2506 I3 3 Sheet Number
K2630 F 22 Calibration Uncertainty
K2802 AN 255 Tool Number / Tool Name
K2810 AN 50 Lower Reaction Limit
K2812 AN 255 Experience Value
K2820 AN 50 Upper Reaction Limit
K2822 AN 255 Floating Average Factor
K2830 AN 50 Compensation on Reject
K2832 AN 255 No Correction Range
K2840 AN 50 Calculation Direction
K2842 AN 255 Maximum Compensation
K2850 AN 50 Tool Geometry
K2852 AN 255 Reference Geometry
K2860 AN 50 Tool Compensation
K2862 AN 255 Action in Case of Tool Violation
K2870 AN 50 Tool Wear Limit
K2872 AN 255 Alpha Compensation
K2880 AN 50 Spindle / Head Number / Name
K2882 AN 255 Roughing Tool Number / Name
K2890 AN 50 Add Value for Rougher
K2892 AN 255 Part Skip Value
K2900 AN 255 Remark
K2991 AN 255 PCD ID
K5001 AN 30 Group Number (Text)
K5002 AN 80 Group Description
K5101 I5 5 Part as Part of a Group
K5102 I5 5 Characteristic as Part of a Group
K5103 I5 5 Group as Part of a Group
K5111 I5 5 Parts Group
K5112 I5 5 Characteristics Group
K5113 I5 5 Group Element
K8010 S --- Chart Type (Location)
K8011 F 22 Central Position (Location)
K8012 F 22 Lower Control Limit (Location)
K8013 F 22 Upper Control Limit (Location)
K8014 F 22 Lower Warning Limit (Location)
K8015 F 22 Upper Warning Limit (Location)
K8110 S --- Chart Type (Variation)
K8111 F 22 Central Position (Variation)
K8112 F 22 Lower Control Limit (Variation)
K8113 F 22 Upper Control Limit (Variation)
K8114 F 22 Lower Warning Limit (Variation)
K8115 F 22 Upper Warning Limit (Variation)
K8500 I5 5 Subgroup Size
K8501 I3 3 Subgroup Type
K8502 AN 40 Subgroup Frequency
K8503 I3 3 Stable Subgroup Size
K8504 I5 5 Subgroup Incidence
K8505 I5 5 Number of Parts (ELS)
K8520 F 22 Required Cp Value
K8521 F 22 Required Cpk Value
K8522 F 22 Fixed Cp Value
K8523 F 22 Fixed Cpk Value
K8600 I3 3 Correction Strategy
K8610 F 22 Lower Correction Limit
K8611 F 22 Upper Correction Limit
K8612 I3 3 Buffer Size
K8613 F 22 Correction Target Value