
This registry entry allows you to adjust the font size of the colormap scale values based on a minimum font size factor. Increasing the factor to 120 results in a smaller minimum font. Decreasing it to 80 may result in a larger minimum font.

For example, on a display with a height resolution set to 1080 pixels, the default value of 100 produces a minimum font height of 10. This is still a readable font size in the Graphic Display and reports, but a font size of 9 is not.

With the same screen resolution height of 1080 pixels:

Setting this entry to 90 produces a font size of 12

Setting this entry to 77 produces a font size of 14

Setting this entry to 67 produces a font size of 16

Setting this entry to 60 produces a font size of 18

Setting this entry to 54 produces a font size of 20

Be careful with the value you set for this entry. Depending on your display resolution, if you set the value for this entry too large, the font may be too small to be readable in the Graphic Display window or the report.

Entry Name: ColorGradientMinFontFactor

Entry Type: This entry is a Real Number that specifies the minimum Color Gradient font scale factor. The default value is 100.