
Normally, when you perform a Read Position operation (Read Pos, Find Hole, or On Error) the Z remains at the nominal location. This registry entry allows you to place the probe above the feature so you don't have to spend extra time moving the probe into the hole.

When you set this registry entry to TRUE, PC-DMIS's read position operation for auto features uses all three axes (X, Y, and Z). If set to FALSE, PC-DMIS uses only the X and Y axes.

Entry Name: ReadPosUpdatesXYZ

Entry Type: True/False value. The default value is FALSE.

If your Auto Feature uses an RMEAS feature, then the RMEAS feature overrides this entry causing the probe to only update the X and Y position, even if this is set to TRUE. If you have an RMEAS feature and still want this to update the Z axes then set the ReadPosUpdateXYZEvenIfRMeas entry to TRUE.