Command Buttons

Command Buttons


Move To button

This button moves the field of view in the Graphic Display window and centers it on the current feature's XYZ location. If a feature is composed of more than one point (such as a line), then clicking this button switches between the points making up the feature.

Test button

This button allows you to test a feature's creation and preview its dimensional data before it's actually created.

This button performs a measurement using the current parameters.

You can change parameters and click Test repeatedly until you have an acceptable measurement. Then when you click Create the software converts the temporary feature into a normal feature in the measurement routine.

Create button

This button inserts the defined Auto Feature into the Edit Window at the current position.

Close button

This button exits the Auto Feature dialog box.

Basic and Advanced buttons

This button displays the only the basic Auto Feature options while click the Advanced button to expand the Auto Feature dialog box to show the advanced options.