Using the Image Capture Command

The Insert | Feature | Image Capture menu item inserts an IMAGECAPTURE command into the Edit window. During execution, PC-DMIS moves the vision probe to the specified position. It then uses the passed magnification and illumination values and captures an image of the camera's Vision tab. It saves this image as a bitmap file to the specified location.

The command in the Edit window has the following syntax:

IMAGECAPTURE/<TheoX, TheoY, TheoZ>,n1

ILLUMINATION/Top Lamp [ON:60%] : Bottom Lamp [ON:69%] : Ring Lamp [ON:59%{1110}]


, TheoY, TheoZ are the X,Y,Z coordinates to which the machine moves to take the image capture.

n1 is a number value indicating the desired optical magnification.

The ILLUMINATION line of the command block contains read-only illumination information of the lamps at the time the command was inserted. Currently, you cannot modify any of that information directly in the Edit window. The Illumination settings must be predefined in the Probe Toolbox or by manual controls (if available) before inserting the command.

Specifically, the ILLUMINATION line shows whether a lamp is on or off and what the light intensity is for each lamp. Since the ring lamp is made up of four separate lights, the four numbers in parentheses indicate the ON/OFF state for each of those lights. If they have differing levels of intensity, the command only shows the highest value.

s1 is a string value providing the file pathway and name for the captured bitmap image.

A finished command might look something like this:


ILLUMINATION/Top Lamp [ON:60%] : Bottom Lamp [ON:69%] : Ring Lamp [ON:59%{1110}]



Currently, this command does not have a dialog box associated with it, so you need to make parameter changes in the Edit window or by creating a new command.