Creating a Symmetry Feature Control Frame Dimension

The Symmetry Feature Control Frame (FCF) dimension has been modified to allow an increased variety of input features and datums than you may find available using legacy symmetry dimensions. These changes in turn give you the ability to more easily create symmetry dimensions that apply to a broader range of dimensioning problems. The GD&T Symmetry dialog box has not been modified in any way. The changes were made only to the internal verification of considered features and datums and the internal tolerance analysis.

You need to use datums to construct a datum reference frame alignment which PC-DMIS will then use to evaluate the symmetry points. You can specify a single primary datum or a primary and secondary datum to impose a perpendicularity constraint.

See the Description column in the table below for specific datum information for the different symmetry input features.

Feature Types for Symmetry FCF Dimensions

PC-DMIS considers any of the following feature types as valid input features for a Symmetry FCF dimension:

Case 1: Two Planes
These planes must be nominally parallel. They create a mid-plane from which PC-DMIS determines the symmetry dimension of the two planes. Full Description

Case 2: A Constructed Mid-Plane
Since you have already constructed a mid-plane, the processing and datum information is the same as Two Planes above.

Case 3: Two Lines
These lines must be nominally parallel. They create a mid-line from which PC-DMIS determines the symmetry dimension of the two lines. Full Description

Case 4: A Constructed Mid-Line
With an already-constructed mid-line, the internal processing follows what is described in Two Lines above. Full Description

Case 5: Two Points
The FCF uses these two points internally to construct a mid-point that nominally lies within the planar tolerance zone about the locating datum. The reported tolerance value is two times the maximum deviation of the mid-point from the locating datum. Full Description

Case 6: A Constructed Mid-Point
In this case, you have already constructed a mid-point. The processing shall be the same as for Two Points above. Full Description

Case 7: A Point Set
PC-DMIS assumes that the points making up the set alternate on opposite sides of the locating datum, such that the first point and second point have their mid-point inside the planar tolerance zone. This is the same analysis as for the legacy symmetry dimension using a point set. Full Description

Case 8: Two Point Sets
PC-DMIS assumes that both point sets are the same size, that the points in each set reside on opposite sides of the locating datum, and that the points within each set are opposite one another. Full Description

Case 9: A Measured or Auto Circle, Cone, or Cylinder
PC-DMIS calculates a "circle set" (or sets) from the input feature and then evaluates for symmetry the centroids of the sets. Full Description

Case 10: A Constructed Circle, Cone, or Cylinder
PC-DMIS checks a constructed cone or cylinder feature's endpoints or a constructed circle's centroid for symmetry. Full Description