Step 3: Test the NX Direct CAD Interface

Once PC-DMIS is installed, you need to import an NX part file and test the Direct CAD Interface. Complete the following steps to test the NX DCI:


While you test the NX DCI, you may want to know exactly what's happening between PC-DMIS and the NX DCI. To do this, in the NX section of the Settings Editor, set the DebugDCI registry entry to True. As you use PC-DMIS and connect to the DCI, PC-DMIS sends debug information to two different text files in this directory:

C:\ProgramData\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\<version> where <version> is your PC-DMIS version.

The debug files are ug_dci_nx_app.txt and ug_dci.txt.

You can open these files in a text editor.

Note that these debug files are specific to the NX DCI. They don't have anything to do with the regular debug file that PC-DMIS generates.