XYZ Center or Point - These boxes show the feature’s XYZ center or point location in part coordinates.
IJK Surface, Edge, Slot, or Gap Dir (Vector) - These boxes allow you to set the surface normal vector, edge vector, slot vector, or gap direction of the feature.
IJK Angle Vector - These boxes allow you to define the feature's secondary vector. This helps control the orientation of the feature.
- This button toggles the display between Polar and Cartesian modes.
Find Nearest CAD
- When you select an axis (X, Y, or Z) from one of the Center
boxes and click this button, PC-DMIS finds the closest CAD element in
the Graphic Display window to that axis.
Point Read From Machine
- When you click this button, PC-DMIS uses the XYZ location of the machine
for the feature’s XYZ coordinates.
Vector(s) - This button pierces all surfaces along the XYZ point
and IJK vector looking for the closest point. The software displays the
surface normal vector as the IJK NOM VEC but the XYZ values do not change.
This option is only available for Surface and Edge Point features.
Flip Vector
- This button flips the surface normal vector. For example, 0,0,1 would
flip to 0,0,-1.
Thickness - This field (T) applies a thickness to the feature. You can specify whether to use actual or theoretical values and then enter the value for the thickness.
Vectors - Click this button to switch the current edge vector and
surface vector with each other.
This option is only available for Edge Point features.
Measure Now
- This button determines whether or not PC-DMIS measures the feature when
you click Create.
- This button determines whether or not PC-DMIS automatically re-measures
the feature a second time once you measure the feature. PC-DMIS uses the
measured values from the first measurement as the target locations for
the second measurement.
This is only available for Circle, Cylinder, Square Slot, Round Slot, and Notch features, and you must be in DCC Mode.