The following registry entries apply to the MIH-S probe head type.
You can modify the following registry entries in the Option section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor:
ExternalProbeheadType = MIH-S - The value identifies the type of external probe head. For the supported types, see the "External Probe Head" topic. Because there is no built-in default for the type, you must explicitly enter it. If you do not set this type to a supported type, PC-DMIS does not try to open or use the external probe head connection.
ExternalProbeheadProtocol = COM2 9600 E,7,1 - The value sets the communications protocol for the serial connection to the probe head. The value specifies the communications port, baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits. The default is COM2 9600 E,7,1. If the port is set to COM0, PC-DMIS does not try to open or use the external probe head connection even if the type is set to a supported value.
ExternalProbeheadInitTimeout = 5.0 - The value specifies a time-out (a floating point number in seconds) for response to the initial attempt to communicate with the probe head when PC-DMIS starts. The default is 5.0. If a time-out occurs, an error message appears. It indicates that the device is not responding.
A value of 0.0 disables this timeout.
ExternalProbeheadStatusTimeout = 2.0 - The value specifies a time-out (a floating point number in seconds) for response to the request for position/status. The default is 2.0. Currently, no error message appears if this time-out occurs. To prevent a "stackup" of position/status requests, PC-DMIS keeps track of having sent a position/status request and does not send another one until the response has been received. The main purpose of this time-out is to prevent a permanent wait for a response in case some communication error or probe head error state prevents the receipt of a recognizable response. When this time-out occurs, PC-DMIS considers the position/status request to be permanently lost so that it no longer waits for the response and allows another position/status request to be sent.
A value of 0.0 disables this timeout.