Motion-Related Variables

The LK Common Driver DLL interface enables you to define values for motion-related machine variables. The variables can have different values, such as "reset" and "default", for different modes.

For the PC-DMIS interface, it is important that the following variables have reasonable definitions for the "default" case. The definition includes a working value, lower limit, and upper limit. See the common driver configuration dialog box for the proper units and other values.

If a rotary table is present, you also need a "default" definition for:

WVELV - Rotary table vector velocity (the move speed for the rotary table)

If the driver configuration does not contain definitions for the above variables, an error message about an undefined variable (or variables) appears when the PC-DMIS interface starts. PC-DMIS varies the working values as needed during execution (based on normal user input into PC-DMIS), but the interface always checks against the limits before it sets the working value. If you enter results in a value that is below the minimum or above the maximum, the interface automatically limits the value to the defined minimum or maximum value before it sets the working value.

PC-DMIS users usually enter speeds as percentages. The interface multiplies the maximum limit times the percentage and then again makes sure it stays within the minimum and maximum limits. For the move speed and rotary table move speed, this is fairly intuitive. The touch speed is handled slightly differently. PC-DMIS users are used to specifying percentage speeds for both movement and measurement relative to the same maximum machine speed. Therefore, the maximum move speed is used when calculating the touch speed. In other words, the working value for VELT is set by multiplying the maximum allowed value for VELV by the user-input percentage and then forcing it to be within the minimum and maximum allowed values for VELT.


Communications Port Configuration

Machine Axis Limits

Geometric Error Compensation (VOLCOMP)

SP600 Scanning