KS - Set Tracking Speed

The KS command sets the probe speed the software uses for DCC moves while tracking or scanning.

Command Format

MLString "KS p1,p2"


MLString "KS 0.5"

This command shows how to set the tracking and scanning move speed to 0.5 units per second.


p1 = tracking / scanning move speed (Numeric, optional)

p2 = tracking / scanning move speed (Numeric, optional)

The optional numeric parameters p1 and p2 specify the desired tracking and scanning move speed in the current units per second. This value must be positive. If the value you specify exceeds the maximum value allowed by the machine, then the software uses the machine's maximum-allowed value rather than the specified value.

If you only specify p1, the software uses the p1 value for both open loop and closed loop scans. If you specify both p1 and p2, the software uses p1 for open loop scans, and p2 for closed loop scans.

If you do not specify anything, then the software returns the current settings for tracking and scanning move speeds. The default values after initialization (IL) are 0.1 inches (or 2.54 mm) per second.


If you specify a value, the software sets the tracking and scanning move speed to this value except as noted above. If you do not specify a value, then the current open loop value is returned to variable S7, and the closed loop value is returned to variable S8. The system uses these values as the maximum velocity whenever a DCC or joystick move is commanded while tracking or scanning a surface with a soft probe.

Skip Action

Executed normally.

Error Messages

MLB-090 - DCC not available