Point Manual Trigger

The POINT MANUAL TRIGGER command tells PC-DMIS to only accept a manual hit when it is within the specified tolerance zone.

You can add a POINT MANUAL TRIGGER command from the Insert Command button on the Point Manual Trigger area of the Probe Trigger Options tab on the Parameter Settings dialog box (press F10 to access this dialog box).

You can use this option with manual machines; when PC-DMIS prompts you to take a hit, trigger the probe as you wish. Each trigger is evaluated to see if it is within the cylindrical trigger tolerance zone. If it is not, an error appears in the Machine Errors list of the Execution dialog box. PC-DMIS then asks you to take the hit again. You can place POINT MANUAL TRIGGER commands at any standard location within the Edit window.

This option only works in Online mode.

Point Manual Trigger area on the Probe Trigger Options tab

Use Trigger Tolerance: Selecting this check box activates the POINT MANUAL TRIGGER command. Commands in the Edit window that follow the inserted POINT MANUAL TRIGGER command use the point manual trigger functionality as defined.

If you do not select this check box, and you click the Insert Command button, PC-DMIS inserts the command line into the Edit window, but it doesn't activate the command. The trigger radius capability is disabled until the option is turned on.

Trigger radius: This box holds a tolerance radius value. When the probe is triggered, PC-DMIS checks to see if the probe is within this tolerance zone. If it is, the hit is accepted. If it is not, you are asked to take another hit.

Insert Command: Clicking the Insert Command button inserts the POINT MANUAL TRIGGER command into the Edit window for the current measurement routine with the following options.

This command line reads:


TOG1: This toggle field corresponds to the On check box. It displays either ON or OFF.

RAD: The radius field contains the value for the tolerance zone, and it corresponds to the Trigger Radius box. This value is the distance from the actual point that PC-DMIS accepts the hit.