Automating Backup, Restore, and Import

You can automate a backup, restore, or import if you use one or more options in this syntax in a shortcut or command line:

<exe path><option>

<exe path> represents the full pathway to the SettingsEditor.exe file. If spaces are in this pathway, use quotation marks around the pathway.

<option> represents one of these options. You can only have one option in any given shortcut or command:

/b performs a backup of the registry, data files, probe files and so on as a .zip file. This uses the file name and pathway from Backup dialog box.

/r performs a restore of a .zip file you backed up with the backup operation. This uses the file name and pathway from the Restore dialog box.

/ir:<file path> performs an import registry operation of a text file. <file path> represents the full pathway to the file.

The text file must be in a specific format. It must match the format of the Registry.dat file stored in the .zip file that the backup operation creates.

"C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2016.0 64-bit\SettingsEditor.exe" /ir:D:\temp\Registry.dat