
This registry entry passes the Chromatic Whitelight Sensor (CWS) commands to the Firmware Distributed Controller (FDC).

The CWS is a sensor used in vision machines. Topographic, Profile, or Roughness measurements are performed in confocal distance measurements. In this process, white light is focused on the surface of the measurement object using an optic with a pronounced chromatic aberration. The reflected light is maximized for the wavelength for focusing of the target surface. The spectrum of the reflected light shows a pronounced peak allowing the spectral position to determine the distance to the surface.

Entry Name: CWSPresent

Entry Type: If this is set to False, no CWS command is sent to the FDC. If this is True, then PC-DMIS allows the FDC to handle the CWS. The default is False.

Do not change these settings. Refer to the Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM) help file for detailed information.

You can access the MIIM help file from this link:  .