
When performing a Find Hole operation to locate the center of slot, the probe moves to the nominal location and then takes a hit on one side. It then retracts from that side and takes another hit on the other side of the slot. However in some situations, the retract distance is too large, resulting in a premature contact of the slot's opposite side.

This value reduces the usual retract distance and moves the probe at a percentage of the usual retract distance. For example, a value of 40, moves the probe 40 percent of the usual retract distance.

Entry Name: DccSlotsRetractOverride

Entry Type: Double value. The default is 100. Valid values are between 10 and 100, or you can have a value of -1. Any value outside of these numbers is ignored, and the usual default retract distance is used. A value of -1 sets the retract value to the last retract value that was active before the slot search.