
This registry entry determines if PC-DMIS uses the old-style RTF output or the Amyuni RTF output. This setting only applies to the TextReportObject.

Entry Name: DoNotUseAmyuniRTF

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies the RTF output option. The default value is 0.

Output Option Key


Output Option


RTF output uses Amyuni RTF output.


RTF output uses the old-style RTF if you selected the RTF output option in the Output Configuration dialog box before the measurement routine was executed. Setting the PRINT/REPORT command to RTF does not work correctly for this value.


RTF output uses the old-style RTF even if you have not selected the RTF output option in the Output Configuration dialog box before the measurement routine was executed. This is useful if the wrong control is used for reporting and it results in nothing being output if the flag was set to 1. Under all conditions, the correct text object is used to display text in the Report window.