Editing PC-DMIS Registry Entries

In connected mode, the registry entries are loaded into the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. You can then use the Settings Editor to modify those registry entries.

To edit PC-DMIS registry entries, follow this procedure:

  1. Run the Settings Editor. You can use the Settings Editor to edit registry entries even while PC-DMIS is running. However, some registry entry changes may not take effect until you restart PC-DMIS.

  2. Click Connect to load in the registry entries. It may take a minute to load all of the entries. Once the entries are loaded, you can use the PC-DMIS Settings Editor to find and edit any user-definable registry entry.

  3. Click the plus sign next to the section that you want to modify. The list expands and shows all the entries in that section. Each entry uses formatting to indicate whether or not the entry is modified from its default value. In addition, a small icon appears next to the entry to indicate the user privilege level necessary to modify the entry:

  These four buttons, located at the bottom of the Settings Editor, correspond to the user and system icons listed above. When you click each button, it shows or hides all registry entries that are tied to its specific user privilege level. This enables you to filter the registry entries that appear.

  1. Select the registry entry that you want to change. The PC-DMIS Settings Editor displays information related to the entry you selected.

  1. Change the value of the setting in the Current Value box, and then press Tab or click anywhere outside of the field. The Settings Editor stores a temporary record of your change.

  2. Continue making changes as desired. As you move off of the field, the current value is temporarily saved for that registry entry.

The Settings Editor doesn't actually update the registry with the changes you made until you click Save. Prior to this, you can always revert a selected registry entry back to what it was before you started the current session by clicking the Undo button. Likewise, Undo All reverts all changed settings back to what they were.

  1. Click the Save button to permanently save all of your changes for all the modified registry entries.

  2. Click Close once you have finished using the Settings Editor. The Settings Editor closes. If you have registry entries that weren't saved when you click Close, a dialog box appears and asks if you want to save or discard your changes.

  3. If PC-DMIS was running while you were making changes, restart PC-DMIS to load in any modified entries.


Resetting All Registry Entries

Cancelling Your Changes

Finding a Registry Entry

Multiple Arm Configuration