
When set to True, the Reshaper SDK is used for COP CAD alignment computations. The Total points and Maximum iterations boxes of the Refine Alignment area of the Pointcloud/CAD Alignment dialog box are hidden. When set to False, all the Refine Alignment values are available and are used for the COP CAD alignment computations.

For details on the Pointcloud/CAD Alignment dialog box, see the topic "Pointcloud Alignment" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

Entry Name: UseSDKForCopCadAlignments

Entry Type: True/False value only. When set to the default value True, PC-DMIS uses the Reshaper SDK for COP CAD alignment computations and hides the input boxes described above. When set to False, alignment computations use the entries from the Refine Alignments area of the Pointcloud/CAD Alignments dialog box as described above.