Focus Buttons

PC-DMIS Vision provides a number of tools to help you focus your optical hardware:

Focus Icon


The Lock Focus to Part button secures the position or rotation of the target to the part. You can still change the size of the focus target.

The Center Focus button centers the target or Field of View (FOV). What actually moves depends on the status of the Lock Target to Part button.

  • If you click Center Focus with the Lock Target to Part button already selected, PC-DMIS Vision moves the current FOV to the target. This is only available on DCC Motion machines.

  • If you click Center Focus with the Lock Target to Part button deselected, the target moves to the current FOV.


The Reset Focus Graph button clears all data in the Focus Graph.

The Auto Focus button actually executes the focus. It uses the set parameters, moves the DCC stage, and then returns to the focus position. On a manual machine, you manually move the machine for the specified duration. When the duration is met, you have the option of accepting the focus result or retrying.