Implementing QuickFeatures in PC-DMIS Vision Live View

QuickFeatures in the Live View are not supported when you run PC-DMIS in Offline/CAD Camera mode.

Also, QuickFeatures in the Live View are designed to work well on parts that lead to an image with high contrast edges, even illumination, and no significant high-frequency spectral components. An example is thin back-lit parts or surface illuminated parts with no significant surface texture.

The rules and parameters for creating Vision QuickFeatures in the Live View are identical to those in the CAD View:

The following rules and parameters apply only when you use Vision QuickFeatures in the Live View:

Example of a Line feature detected in the Live View:

Example of a Circle feature detected in the Live View :

Example of a Surface Point feature in the Live View:

Examples of Edge Point features with possible vector orientations in the Live View:

Supported Vision QuickFeatures in the Live View:




For details on the methods used to create QuickFeatures, see the "Creating QuickFeatures" topic in the "Quick Ways to Create Auto Features" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

Edge Point


Surface Point