Scan Measurement

After positioning the sensor with the optimal settings, you can either select from the CAD in the Graphic Display window, or click the Take a Hit icon on the Probe Tool Box dialog box to select points and populate the 1, D, and 2 points.

Once the coordinates have been updated, you can test or create the feature.

Note on Execution Modes:

Defined - First time execution behaves the same as Relearn. Subsequent executions perform a defined path scan.

Relearn - (FDC) First time and subsequent executions track the surface within the range of the sensor.

Relearn - (Non FDC) First time and subsequent executions perform a straight-line scan derived from start, direction, and end points. No Tracking is performed.

Mycrona - Tracking can be switched On/Off in the separate Heartbeat application.


Chromatic White Light Sensor (CWS)

Typical CWS System

CWS Parameters

Point Measurement

Defining a Surface Point by Clicking on a Pointcloud