PC-DMIS 2020 R1 Object Library
EditWindow Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : EditWindow Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method CommandMode

This function puts the Edit window into command mode.

Public Method CopySelectedToClipboard


This method copies the selected command or commands from the Edit window to the Clipboard.

Public Method CutSelectedToClipboardThis cuts any text or commands selected in the Edit window and stores them in the Clipboard.
Public Method DMISModeSwitches edit window to DMIS mode
Public Method GetCommandTextThis function returns a string of the current command text for the specified command in Command.
Public Method LastExecutionReportModeSwitches edit window to last execution report mode
Public Method PasteFromClipboard


This method pastes any PC-DMIS commands stored on the Clipboard into the Edit window at the current insertion point. You should first copy the commands using CopySelectedToClipboard

Public Method PasteFromClipboardWithPattern


This pastes a mirrored pattern of a copied feature or group of features that are stored in the Clipboard. It pastes the feature or features at the current insertion point location using the pattern mirror defined in the SetPasteWithPatternMirror method.

Public Method PrintEditWindowCauses edit window to print current window contents
Public Method ReportMode

This function puts the Edit window into report mode.

Public Method SelectCommand

If you specify a command object to select, it selects that entire command in the Edit window. Otherwise, it selects the entire command surrounding the cursor location in the Edit window.

You can use this method to perform automation tasks on a selected command. Once you have it selected, you can copy and paste it somewhere else in the Edit window using the CopySelectedToClipBoard and PasteFromClipboard methods.

Public Method selectCommandsThis behaves the same as SelectCommand, except you can use this to select a block of commands. You do this by defining a start command and an end command. This selects those commands and everything in between.
Public Method SetDMISOutputOptions

This function sets output options for printing the Edit window contents as a DMIS file.

Public Method SetPasteWithPatternMirror


This defines the mirror pattern to use when pasting with the PasteFromClipboardWithPattern method. It can mirror the pattern around the X, Y, or Z axis.

Public Method setPasteWithPatternParameterssetPasteWithPatternParameters
Public Method SetPrintOptions

This function allows you to set Edit window print options.

Public Method SetPrintOptionsEx

This function allows you to set extended Edit window print options.

Public Method SummaryModeSwitches edit window to summary mode
Public Method UnselectAllThis deselects any selected commands or text in the Edit window.

Public Properties

Public Property _Visible 
Public Property ApplicationRepresents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects. For example, the ActivePartProgram property returns a PartProgram object.
Public Property Height

The height of the edit window in screen pixels.

Public Property LeftThe left edge of the edit window, measured from the left edge of the Windows Desktop.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent PartProgram of this object.
Public Property ShowAlignments

This property is TRUE if alignments are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowComments

This property is TRUE if comments are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowDimensions

This property is TRUE if dimensions are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowFeatures

This property is TRUE if features are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowHeaderFooter

This property is TRUE if headers and footers are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowHits

This property is TRUE if hits are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowMoves

This property is TRUE if moves are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ShowOutTolOnly

This property is TRUE if only out-of-tolerance dimensions are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise. If ShowDimensions is FALSE, this property is ignored.

Public Property ShowTips

This property is TRUE if tips are being shown in the edit window, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property TopThe top edge of the edit window, measured from the top edge of the Windows Desktop.
Public Property Visible

This property is TRUE if the edit window is visible, FALSE otherwise.

Public Property Width

The width of the edit window in screen pixels.

See Also

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