Proto Configuration File

Proto has its own configuration file, named is "CEJComm.ini". You can find it in the Proto installation directory.

Proto relies on a set of serialized, machine-dependent files installed in a directory whose full path "CompPath" entry must be set in the [COMP] section of the configuration file. For example:

CompPath=C:\Program Files\CEJ\COMP\

Some JoWin installations define a relative path. You must make sure to define the full path.

These files can be: GEOM.DAT, LIN_COMP.DAT, REFPOINT.DAT, X_Patch.1, X_Patch.2, Y_Patch.1, and Y_Patch.2

The actual set of installed files depends on the target machine.

The CMM comes with a companion Unix-formatted disk labeled "GEOCOMP" or a similar label. Part of the Proto installation copies the batch file "ReadComp.bat" into the COMP directory. When you set up a new CMM, and after you install Proto, insert the Unix disk, and start the batch file. The batch file removes all previous compensation files from the system. The batch file then copies the compensation files from the disk to the COMP directory.

Following is a short version of the typical settings found in the CEJCOMM.INI file.

If some of these settings are missing from your CEJCOMM.INI, it's normally not a problem. It means that PROTO.EXE uses a default value.


PortName=COM1 ; Change to the correct port if necessary.





Max_Meas_Speed=12 ; Should be set according to the CMM specification.

Max_Trsp_Speed=500 ; Should be set according to the CMM specification.

Timeout=2000 ; Defines how long to wait for ACK from SE in milliseconds.

MoveWithProbehitPar=62 ; Should be set to 64 for TP800.

; Remove "xxx" and set the appropriate PortName to use the large CEJ HT [xxxHANDTERM]

PortName=COM2 ; Change to the correct port if necessary.

BaudRate=9600 ;

DataBits=8 ;

StopBits=1 ;

Parity=NONE ;

; (JoWin, Metrolog)

; The following codes reprogram the keys on the old (large) CEJ Hand Terminal.

; The Metrologic Hand Terminal documentation describes the different codes in the [HTKEYS] section.

F1=1349 ; Zoom DRo

F2=9 ; Tab

F3=1326 ; Cancel Point

F4=1393 ; Cont

F5=1392 ; Stop

DIV=1068 ; Zoom on Probe

MUL=1065 ; Center

SUB=1063 ; Zoom+

ADD=1064 ; Zoom-

ENTER=12 ; Enter

DEL=770 ; Delete

HELP=1329 ; Help

TERM=1238 ; Joystick in PCS


CompPath=CMM\COMP\ ; For PC-DMIS, the path should always be absolute. Do not use a relative path.

DONT_COMP=0 ; 1: Turns off compensations completely.

FORCE_COMP=0 ; 1: Forces compensations on regardless of the CMM type.

CDUMP=0 ; 1: Dumps the compensation calculations into the COMP\DUMP\ folder.

NO_TEMP_COMP=0 ; 1: Turns off temperature compensation.

NO_INTERP=0 ; 1: Turns off interpolation.




Activate_Debug=1 ; 1: Activates the debug options it can always be set.

Trace=0 ; 1: Activates the trace and trace Host <=> PROTO comm.

TraceCMM=1 ; 1: Traces PROTO <=> CMM communication (if TRACE=1).

TraceTime=1 ; 1: Includes time information in trace (if TRACE=1).

TraceIntr=0 ; 1: Sends internal messages to trace (if TRACE=1).

TraceP3=0 ; 1: Traces all comm. (BIG tracefile) (if TRACE=1).


Sound0= ; .WAV - Sets the sound file for the "measuring point received" event.

Sound1= ; .WAV - Sets the sound file for the "Proto start-up" event.

Sound2= ; .WAV - Sets the sound file for the "Proto shutdown" event.

FatalError= ; .WAV - Sets the sound file for the "Fatal Error" event.


ShortSearch=100 ; Shortens the search distance sent to SE (% of the Host value).

NoP3InCnc=0 ; 1: Don't disturb the SE while running in CNC (Ruby!).

TimeFactor=100 ; Sets the poll speed and all other time-related events.

Stop_On_Comm_Loss=0 ; 1: Generates a fatal error when loss of communication with the SE occurs.

StopOnFatalError=0 ; 1: Proto terminates by itself on fatal errors.

MapSendButton=4 ; Does not affect PC-DMIS.

MapJoyButton=1 ; Does not affect PC-DMIS.

MessageAfterRetract=1 ; (PC-DMIS) For johansson.dll versions later than v1.082. This setting allows for the proper retraction of the probe.