PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
ApplicationObjectEvents Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ApplicationObjectEvents Object

Glossary Item Box


Public Event OnAddObject

This event gets launched when the specified command (Command) gets added to the specified measurement routine (PartProg).

Public Event OnCloseExecutionDialog

This event gets launched when the Execution dialog box closes.

Public Event OnClosePartProgram

This event gets launched when the specified measurement routine (PartProg) gets closed.

Public Event OnClosePartProgram2Event fired when measurement routine is closed - with not file quit flag
Public Event OnCloseRemotePanelDialogEvent fired when dialogs close. Note: hClosedWnd could refer to a dialog already destroyed
Public Event OnClosingApplication

This event gets launched whenever the PC-DMIS application begins to close. A listening application should use this event to properly close PC-DMIS.

Public Event OnCommentInputDialogClose

This event gets launched when a Comment Input dialog box closes.

Public Event OnCommentInputDialogOpen

This event gets launched when a Comment Input dialog box opens.

Public Event OnConnectSlave

This event gets launched when PC-DMIS connects to and launches the specified measurement routine (PartProg) on the slave computer.

Public Event OnCreatePartProgramEvent fired when measurement routine is created
Public Event OnDialogClose

This event gets launched when a generic dialog box is closed.

The event does not get launched for a Message Box, Execution dialog box or Comment Input dialog box.

Public Event OnDialogOpen

This event gets launched when a generic dialog box is opened.

The event does not get launched for a Message Box, Execution dialog box or Comment Input dialog box.

Public Event OnDisconnectSlave

This event gets launched when PC-DMIS disconnects from the slave computer.

Public Event OnEndExecutionThis event gets launched when PC-DMIS finishes executing the specified program. PC-DMIS determines it has finished execution based on the termination type.
Public Event OnExecutionDialogButtonEvent fired when an Execution Dialog button is pushed
Public Event OnJogProbePointEvent fired when a job probe point taken
Public Event OnLoadProbeEvent fired when a probe is loaded
Public Event OnLowLevelMatrixChangedEvent fired when Low Level Matrix changed
Public Event OnMachineConnectedThis event gets launched when the software detects that it is connected to a CMM.
Public Event OnMachineConnectingThis events gets launched when the software is in the process of connecting to a CMM.
Public Event OnMachineConnectionTimeOutThis event gets launched when the software attempts to connect to a CMM but the connection times out and expires.
Public Event OnMachineDisconnectingThis event gets launched when the software disconnects from a CMM.
Public Event OnMachineHomingStartedThis event gets launched when the the CMM begins its homing operation.
Public Event OnObjectAboutToExecute

This event gets launched immediately before the specified command (Cmmd) gets executed.

Public Event OnObjectAboutToExecute2

This event gets launched immediately before the specified command (Cmmd) gets executed on a specified arm (Arm) of a multiple arm system.

Public Event OnObjectExecuted

This event gets launched immediately after the specified command (Cmmd) gets executed.

Public Event OnObjectExecuted2

This event gets launched immediately after the specified command (Cmmd) gets executed on a specified arm (Arm) of a multiple arm system.

Public Event OnOpenExecutionDialog

This event gets launched when the Execution dialog box opens.

Public Event OnOpenPartProgram

This event gets launched when the specified measurement routine (PartProg) gets opened.

Public Event OnOpenRemotePanelDialog

This event gets launched when the specified Remote Panel Application dialog box opens.

Public Event OnOpenRemotePanelDialog2Event fired when dialogs open for the remote panel with five possible buttons
Public Event OnPCDMessageBoxClose

This event gets launched when a generic message box closes.

Public Event OnPCDMessageBoxOpen

This event gets launched when a generic message box opens.

Public Event OnPropertySheetClose

This event gets launched when a generic property sheet is closed.

Public Event OnPropertySheetOpen

This event gets launched when a generic property sheet is opened.

Public Event OnQuickFeatureSelectionEvent fired when QuickFeatureSelection for Sensor Mapping
Public Event OnReportPrintEnd

This event gets launched when a measurement routine's report finishes printing. This happens whenever these occur: 

  • The Print button from the Report Window finishes printing.
  • The File | Printing | Report Window Print menu item finishes printing.
  • A PRINT command in a measurement routine finishes execution.
  • A measurement routine with automatic printing that is enabled from File | Printing | Report Window | Print Setup finishes printing the report.

Public Event OnReportPrintStart

This event gets launched when a measurement routine's report starts to print. This happens whenever these occur: 

  • The Print button is pressed on the Report Window.
  • The File | Printing | Report Window Print menu item is selected.
  • A PRINT command in a measurement routine is executed.
  • A measurement routine with automatic printing that is enabled from File | Printing | Report Window | Print Setup finishes executing and starts to print the report.
Public Event OnRotaryTableRotatedEvent fired when a rotary table is rotated
Public Event OnRotaryTableRotated2Event fired when a dual axis rotary table is rotated
Public Event OnSavePartProgram

This event gets launched when the specified measurement routine (PartProg) gets saved.

Public Event OnStartExecution

This event gets launched when the specified measurement routine (PartProg) begins execution.

Public Event OnUpdateStatusMessage

This event gets launched when the status bar gets updated with the specified message (Msg).

Public Event OnWristRotatedEvent fired when indexable wrist rotated

See Also

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