PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
DimInfo Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : DimInfo Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method GetFieldFormatReturns the dimension information type of the position indicated by index.
Public Method GetLocationAxisReturns the dimension location axis order used at the position indicated by the index parameter.
Public Method GetTruePosAxisGets the dimension true position axis order used at the position indicated by the index parameter.
Public Method SetFieldFormatSets the format of the field.
Public Method SetLocationAxis

Sets a Location dimension's axis.

Public Method SetTruePosAxis

Sets a True Position dimension's axis.

Public Properties

Public Property DimensionIdGets or sets the name of the dimension for which the dimension information object will be showing information.
Public Property ShowDimIdDetermines whether or not the Dimension ID should be shown in the dimension information object.
Public Property ShowFeatIdDetermines whether or not PC-DMIS displays the feature id of the feature belonging to the dimension used in the dimension information command.

See Also

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