PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
FeatCmd Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : FeatCmd Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method AddInputFeatAdds a feature to set of input features used in constructed features.
Public Method AddInputFeaturesAppends an array of IDs to the list of Input Features
Public Method CalculateNominalsThis method recalculates feature nominals for a measured feature.
Public Method CountHitsRecounts the hits for a measured feature.
Public Method Evaluate

Forces an evaluation of a feature without executing it. This takes one parameter that specifies the type of feature evaluation to perform.

Public Method GenerateHits

[Desc already exists] 

Public Method GetCircMoveItemReturns Point Data Object with interpolated circular move item data
Public Method GetData[Desc already exists]
Public Method GetFormErrorReturns Y14.5.1 Form error if applicable, else 0.0
Public Method GetHitReturns a PointData object with the values of the sample hit.
Public Method GetHitTValueReturns T deviation values for specified hit
Public Method GetInputIDGets ID of Input Feature
Public Method GetInputOffsetGets Offset value for corresponding offset feature in constructed offset features
Public Method GetPointThis method retrieves point information for individual objects.
Public Method GetPointsReturns all Point Data Objects with hit data
Public Method GetSampleHitReturns a PointData object with the values of the sample hit.
Public Method GetSurfaceVectorsThis method gets the surface vectors of an angle hit function.
Public Method GetVectorThis method retrieves vector components of individual objects.
Public Method PutDataThis function returns TRUE if the data was successfully retrieved from expression, FALSE otherwise.
Public Method PutPointSets point information for individual objects.
Public Method PutSurfaceVectorsSets the surface vectors for an angle hit object.
Public Method PutVectorSets vector components of individual objects.
Public Method RemoveInputFeatRemoves the feature at the specified index position.
Public Method SetHitSets the hit data of a specified hit. It uses the part coordinate system relative to the current alignment.
Public Method SetHit2

This method works just like the SetHit method; it sets the hit data of a specified hit, but it uses a specified coordinate system and alignment.

Public Method SetInputFeatReplaces the input feature at position Index in FeatCmd object's list of input features with ID.
Public Method SetInputOffsetSets Offset value for coresponding offset feature in constructed offset features

Public Properties

Public Property AlignWorkPlaneWorkplane value for constructed alignment planes and lines.
Public Property AutoCircularMoveFlag indicating whether circular moves should be used between hits.
Public Property AutoClearPlaneFlag indicating whether clearance planes should automatically be used with the feature.
Public Property AutoMoveAuto Move Flag.
Public Property AutoMoveDistanceDistance used in calculating auto move.
Public Property AutoPH9Flag indicating if selected tip should be automatically adjusted during measurement of feature.
Public Property AutoReadPosAuto Read Position Flag.
Public Property BestFitMathTypeValue representing the best fit math algorithm to be used in calculating the measured feature values based on the measured hits. Possible values include the following.
Public Property BoundFlag indicating whether or not feature is bound.
Public Property BoxLengthBox length value for auto high point.
Public Property BoxWidthBox width value for auto high point.
Public Property CircularRadiusInInside circular radius value for auto high point.
Public Property CircularRadiusOutOutside circular radius value for auto high point.
Public Property CornerRadiusCorner radius value for auto square slot and auto notch objects.
Public Property DCCFindNomsModeIndicates if the measurement mode for an auto feature should be done in find nominals mode or not.
Public Property DCCMeasureInMasterModeIndicates if the measurement mode for an auto feature should be done in master mode or not.
Public Property DepthGets or sets a depth value for a feature command.
Public Property DeviationAuto sphere deviation value.
Public Property DisplayConeAngleFlag indicating whether or not to display the angle of the cone. If this value is false, then the cone length is displayed.
Public Property EdgeMeasureOrderMeasure order for edge points.
Public Property EdgeThicknessThickness value for edge points.
Public Property EndAngleEnd Angle value.
Public Property EndAngle2Second End Angle value.
Public Property FilterTypeFilter object filter type.
Public Property FindHoleFlag indicating whether or not to use the Find Hole routine. If this value is true, then the Find Hole routine is used.
Public Property GenericAlignModeGeneric alignment mode.
Public Property GenericDisplayModeGeneric display mode.
Public Property GenericTypeGeneric feature type.
Public Property HasUserDefinedHits

This queries an Auto Feature to determine if the feature has any sample hits that have been moved by the user in the Graphics Display window.

Public Property HighPointSearchModeSearch mode for auto high point.
Public Property IDRepresents the ID of the feature.
Public Property IncrementIncrement value for auto high point.
Public Property IndentIndent distance (used with sample hits).
Public Property Indent2Second indent distance (used with sample hits).
Public Property Indent3Third indent distance (used with sample hits).
Public Property InitHitsNumber of initial sample hits.
Public Property InnerIndicates whether the feature is a hole (inner) or a stud (outer).
Public Property InteriorHitFlag used to indicate type of hit for objects that can have interior/exterior hits.
Public Property Line3DIndicates whether the feature is a three dimensional line or a two dimensional line. A value of false indicates a two dimensional line.
Public Property ManualPrePositionRead/Write: Manual PrePosition
Public Property MeasAngleMeasured angle value.
Public Property MeasDiamMeasured diameter value.
Public Property MeasHeightThis property applies only to PC-DMIS commands that have a height field.
Public Property MeasLengthThis property applies only to PC-DMIS commands that have a length field.
Public Property MeasMajorAxisMeasured major axis length value (ellipse).
Public Property MeasMinorAxisMeasured minor axis length value (ellipse).
Public Property MeasPinDiamMeasured pin diameter value.
Public Property MeasSmallLengthMeasured shorter length value.
Public Property MeasureSlotWidthFlag indicating whether the slot width should be measured.
Public Property NumHitsRepresents the number of inputs in the feature.
Public Property NumHitsPerRowRepresents the number of hits on each row of the feature.
Public Property NumRowsRepresents the number of rows in the feature.
Public Property OperatorNormTypeRead/Write: Type of Operator Norm algorithm used to best fit the constructed tangent feature
Public Property ParentReturns the parent Command object.
Public Property PermHitsNumber of permanent sample hits.
Public Property PolarFlag indicating whether polar coordinates are used on the feature. Usually defaults to false.
Public Property ReferenceIDID of the feature to be used when the "ReferenceType" property is set to FEATREF_FEATURE. This property is used with measured lines or measured circles.
Public Property ReferenceTypeReference type used with measured circles and measured lines.
Public Property RMeasFeatureID of the feature to be used for relative measurement.
Public Property SpacerSpacer distance (Usually used with sample hits).
Public Property StartAngleStart Angle value.
Public Property StartAngle2Second Start Angle value.
Public Property TargetsRead Only: Returns the child Targets Collection Object of a vision feature
Public Property TheoAngleTheoretical angle value.
Public Property TheoDiamTheoretical diameter value.
Public Property TheoHeightTheoretical height value.
Public Property TheoLengthTheoretical length value.
Public Property TheoMajorAxisTheoretical major axis length value (ellipse).
Public Property TheoMinorAxisTheoretical minor axis length value (ellipse).
Public Property TheoPinDiamTheoretical pin diameter value.
Public Property TheoSmallLengthTheoretical shorter length value.
Public Property ThicknessSheet metal (material) thickness.
Public Property ToleranceTolerance value for auto high point.
Public Property UsePinIndicates whether pin information should be used during measurement.
Public Property UseTheoValuesForBestfitRead/Write: Use theo values to solve feature
Public Property VisionMagRead/Write: Vision Feature Magnification
Public Property VisionTargetColorRead/Write: Vision Feature Target Color
Public Property VisionTargetTypeRead/Write: Vision Feature Target Type

See Also

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