PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
OptimizePath Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : OptimizePath Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method CreateOptimizePathThis optimizes the path the probe travels in the part program so that it move in the most efficient way.

Public Properties

Public Property AddTipChangesIf True, then the software chooses the best probe tip to use to measure each feature considered for optimization. If False, the probe tip doesn't change.
Public Property AssignArmsIn a dual arm measurement environement, if set to True, during the optimized path creation, the software automatically chooses the best arm to measure each feature when that feature falls within the overlap distance. If set to False, the primary arm is used. You can define a percantage of the overlap to consider with the PercentOverlap property.
Public Property ConeHalfAngleThis determines the conical angle tolerance for added tip changes. This allows PC-DMIS to uilize a tip that has a shank vector that is within tolerance of the optimal vector angle for a given feature.
Public Property DefinedTipsOnly

If True, PC-DMIS only uses defined tips during the path optimization. If PC-DMIS can't find an appropriate tip for a feature, it assigns that feature to to T?A?B?. If False, PC-DMIS uses undefined tips.

Public Property EndFeatureCommandDetermines the end feature when sorting features by a range of features. See also StartFeatureCommand Property.
Public Property InsertDimensionsAtEnd

If True, PC-DMIS insertes dimensions at the end of the optimized path. If False, it inserts them immediately after the feature.

Public Property IsAbortedThis property returns True if the optimization process is aborted and False otherwise.
Public Property IsRunningThis property returns True if the optimization process is running and False otherwise.
Public Property MinimizeNumberOfTipsIf  True, PC-DMIS minimizes the number of tips it uses to measure features in the measurement routine. If True, PC-DMIS only changes the tip's angle when absolutely necessary.
Public Property ParentRead Only: Returns the parent PartProgram Object
Public Property PercentOverlapA dual arm machine can have both arms measure certain features. This region where both arms can measure features is called the overlap. This property value defines the percentage of overlap to consider. For example, if you have 100 mm of overlap, and you enter 50% for this property then the software only considers 50mm as overlap. If a feature falls within this range and AssignArms is set to True, it becomes a candidate for the software to choose the best arm to measure.
Public Property SmallestSearchIncrementSets the search increment in degrees when looking for a probe tip. For example, if you have a wrist that supports an angle incrment of .1 degrees and you set this value to 5, when it searches for a probe tip to use for a feature, it searches using a five-degree increment.
Public Property SortAllFeaturesRead/Write: Feature Range - Sort all features
Public Property SortPenalties

The penatly value, in seconds, is an approximation of the time taken by a CMM to change tips this category of probes. The default pentalty mean that all features measured with a given tip are grouped together and sorted within that tip group. For example, if you set the penalty to zero, this allows the Optimize Path process to sort features based solely on the distance traveled between features while completely ignoring tip changes.

The Sort penalty has three values, one for each of these three components:

  • Wrist
  • PHS Wrist

The values are stored in the X, Y, Z position of a pointdata object.

Public Property StartFeatureCommandDetermines the first feature when sorting features by a range of features. See also EndFeatureCommand Property
Public Property UseMinConicalAngleIf True PC-DMIS moves the probe tip angle by a minimum offset angle when the probe approach would normally cause a hit that is coincident with the probe body. This helps to reduce stress placed on probe bodies from these types of hits. If False, PC-DMIS doens't use an offset angle.

See Also

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