PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
ProbeToolBoxPages Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ProbeToolBoxPages Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method FirstReturns the first registry setting
Public Method ItemReturns the probe Tool Box page specified by the pageType
Public Method NextReturns the the next registry setting
Public Method VisibleItemAtIndexReturns the visible probe Tool Box page specified by the index value

Public Properties

Public Property ApplicationRead Only: Returns the Application Object
Public Property CountRead Only: Returns the number of probe ToolBox pages supported by current PCDMIS version
Public Property CountVisiblePagesRead Only: Returns the number of visible probe ToolBox pages
Public Property ParentRead Only: Returns the parent PartProgramm Object
Public Property VisibleRead/Write: Returns visibility status of probe tool box or shows or hides it.

See Also

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