PC-DMIS 2020 R2 Object Library
Strategies Object
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Strategies Object

Glossary Item Box


This Strategies object contains a collection of the PC-DMIS measurement strategies.

You can access the Strategies object through the strategies property in the Command object.

Object Model

Strategies ObjectApplication ObjectStrategy ObjectStrategy ObjectCommand Object


Example (Visual Basic)Copy Code
Private Sub SearchStrategiesForEachCommand_Click()
Dim strategy As PCDLRN.strategy
Dim index As Integer
If cmds Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set cmd = cmds.Item(FeatureID.Text)
If cmd Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set strategies = cmd.strategies
If strategies Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
FoundStrategyNumber.Text = CStr(strategies.Count)
CurStrategyName.Text = strategies.CurrentStrategy.Name
CurStrategyInternalIndex.Text = Str(strategies.CurrentStrategy.index)

index = 0
For Each strategy In strategies
    FoundStrategyList.AddItem (strategy.Name + ": Index=" + Str(index) + "; Internal Index=" + Str(strategy.index))
    If strategy.IsDefaultStrategy Then
        DefStrategyName.Text = strategy.Name
        DefStrategyIndex.Text = Str(index)
        DefStrategyInternalIndex.Text = Str(strategy.index)
    End If
    If strategy.Name = CurStrategyName.Text Then
        CurStrategyIndex.Text = Str(index)
    End If
    index = index + 1
End Sub

See Also

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