Manually Controlling a Feature's Measurement

To manually control the measurement of a feature:

  1. From the Execution dialog box (File | Execute), click Stop Stop.

  2. From the Probe Mode toolbar, click the Manual Mode icon . You are given control for measuring the current hit.

Once you finish measuring the current feature in MANUAL mode, PC-DMIS then automatically returns the system to DCC mode and continues to measure the part under computer control. You can click the DCC mode icon to go back to DCC mode at any time.

PC-DMIS does not replace the original hits with any of the new hits. If a measurement value needs to be altered, it must be done in the Edit window.

At the end of manual measurement of some auto features, the software may prompt for you to save the new location of the feature as the target for future executions of the measurement routine. If you click YES in response to this prompt, the software saves the currently measured position as the new target.