Working with User-Defined Groups

PC-DMIS lets you group contiguous Edit window commands together and place them inside of a user-defined GROUP / ENDGROUP command pair (in DMIS mode, groups appear as DMISEW commands).

Grouped commands help simplify user interaction with a measurement routine by enabling you to apply operations on all commands inside the group, by applying them to the group itself. In addition, the measurement routine is visually less busy, enabling you to better visualize the overall structure of the measurement routine.

For example, suppose you have several hundred points in your measurement routine from a scan that you want to hide to make the overall structure of the measurement routine more visible and easier to work with. You can select all of the point commands as long as they are all in one list, and then select the Insert | Group menu item to group those commands together. In any mode of the Edit window, you can then show or hide the commands inside of the group as needed.

For example, in the images below, the left Edit window shows a group with the points expanded (A). The right Edit window shows a group with the points collapsed (B).

Groups appear in this format inside the Edit window in Command mode:


... commands inside the group are listed

... between the two commands


SHOWALLPARAMS = This toggle field let you show or hide commands inside of the group in Command mode or DMIS mode. By default, this command is set to YES, which shows all of the commands within the group. If you set it to NO, commands inside the group still exist, but are hidden.


Inserting Groups

Editing Groups

Removing Groups

Using Multiple Arm Mode with Groups

Performing Operations on Groups