Migration to Constructed Input Features

Sometimes, during the migration from XactMeasure to the geometric tolerance command, PC-DMIS transforms the considered features in some way. The migration tool constructs one or more new features from the old features.

Profile of Multiple Features

With XactMeasure and a profile tolerance with multiple input features, you had only one measured value that corresponded to the worst measured value of all the features.

With the geometric tolerance command, this behaves differently, and you get one measured value for every input feature. In order to make the migration smoother, the migration tool in PC-DMIS constructs a set from the input features, and it uses this set as the input feature to the geometric tolerance command. That way, the geometric tolerance command preserves the single-measured-value attribute.

If you prefer to have multiple measured values, you may delete the set that the migration tool constructs, and pass the input features directly into the geometric tolerance command.


The geometric tolerance command with a symmetry tolerance requires that the considered features are width features, mid-planes, mid-lines, or mid-points. The XactMeasure symmetry tolerance predates the width features, and so it allowed input features that fell into several classes. The migration handles these classes differently: