Copying and Pasting Rules

The Rule Tree Editor contains Copy and Paste buttons so that you can copy and paste rules between the current Rule Tree Editor and a Rules Tree Editor for a different object or to a different item within the same Rule Tree Editor.

A copied rule is not stored in the Windows Clipboard; so you cannot copy and paste a rule outside of the specific context discussed here.

To Copy and Paste Rules:

  1. Select a single item from the Rule Tree Editor. If you select more than one item from the tree editor, the Copy button will never become enabled.

  2. Select one or more rules from the rule list box. The Copy button becomes enabled for selection.

Example of Copying Two Rules

  1. Click Copy.

  2. Select and highlight one or more items from a rule tree. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple items. The Paste button becomes available.

Example of Pasting Copied Rules into an Empty Item

  1. Click Paste to paste the copied rule(s) into the selected item(s). Note that if you paste a copied rule or rules into an item that already contains one or more rules, the existing rules are not overwritten by the new rules, but the new rules are instead appended to the existing list. You can click Paste multiple times into several different rule tree items.

  2. Click OK on the Rule Tree Editor to save your changes.