Modifying the Report's Header

Many users want to change the header in some way. Usually, they want to modify the default image that appears in the default report's header to something more company-specific. You can change the header image by following one of these procedures below.

To Change Only a Header's Image:

To Modify an Entire Header in the Label Template Editor:

  1. Open the label template in the Label Template editor.

  1. Change the header's image.

  1. Make other modifications to the header as desired.

  2. Save and test the modified label template.


Here are some other options to consider:

Using LOGO.DAT, HEADER.DAT, and ELOGO.DAT in Generated Reports

Converting LOGO.DAT, HEADER.DAT, and ELOGO.DAT Keywords


For information on using other expressions in your report templates, see "About Report Expressions".

For information on limitations on using variables inside report headers, see "Displaying a Variable's Value".