The registry entries in the LEITZ and USER_LEITZ sections in PC-DMIS Settings Editor are:
AAxisMax = 181.0 - Indicates the axis A maximum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
AAxisMin = -181.0 - Indicates the axis A minimum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
AllowArbitraryLeitzGaragePlacement = True - Previously, for some of the Leitz probe changer types, you could place the first slot anywhere on the probe changer as desired; you had to place subsequent slots at specific distances along the track relative to that first slot. The distance from the first slot to any other slot had to be an integer number of centimeters. If the value is True, this registry entry removes that requirement and allows you to position the slots anywhere the particular probe changer that the slot design physically allows. In some cases, this action may result in a small amount of additional motion during the probe change. If the value is False, PC-DMIS uses the original probe change methodology and the slot spacing requirements. If you want to carefully position the slots according to the spacing requirements, you may then be able to avoid that additional motion.
AllowForcedHits = True - This registry entry applies only if you use a fixed probe. If the value is True, you can type Ctrl + H to take a hit. A value of False disables this feature. If you enable it, you can press Ctrl + H to read and interpret the current position as a hit at that position. If you do not use a fixed probe, Ctrl + H has no effect regardless of the value of this registry entry.
AlwaysSendEnableObserverOnScan = True - If the value is True, it enables the controller's Observer functionality when you perform analog scans.
AlwaysSendWAngles = False - If the value is True, it sends W angles with all XYZ moves. You should only set the value to True for some Leitz machines.
ApplyWristBOffsetToBMapRange = False - If the value is True, the WristBOffset value is applied to the starting angle B that PC-DMIS uses to generate the infinite wrist map.
ARM2CompMode = False - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces. If you use external VolComp, you should set the value to True for any horizontal arm that has a negative stroke as it extends (the common example is when the arm extends in the -Y direction). This is usually the case for arm 2 on a dual-arm system.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
AutoTriggerEnabled = False - To enable PC-DMIS to treat the response to a position request as a manual hit when a manual hit is requested but a fixed probe (which can’t actually trigger) is in use, set the value to True.
AxisX = 0, AxisY = 2, AxisZ = 4 - These registry entries are the values that PC-DMIS uses when you reassign axes so that the axes that PC-DMIS uses are different from what the controller uses natively. Usually, these axes are on the Axis tab in the Machine Interface Setup dialog box. The variable name represents the PC-DMIS axis, and the value indicates the native machine axis according to 0=X+, 1=X-, 2=Y+, 3=Y-, 4=Z+, and 5=Z-. When you reassign axes, the resulting coordinate system should be right-handed.
BAxisMax = 181.0 - This registry entry indicates the B axis maximum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
BAxisMin = -181.0 - This registry entry indicates the B axis minimum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
CALMATCalibType = 1 - This registry entry specifies the type of calibration that the CALMAT command uses on the controller. Currently, this value applies only to Wetzlar controllers. PC-DMIS only supports a value of 1.
CaxisMax = 181.0 - This registry entry indicates the C axis maximum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
CAxisMin = -181.0 - This registry entry indicates the C axis minimum end-of-stroke value that can be commanded of a wrist device.
CommPort = 1 - This registry entry applies only when PC-DMIS communicates with the controller through a serial port. It specifies the number of the communications port to use. Use 1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, etc. The parameters for baud rate, parity, and other options are automatically set.
CompensateTemperaturePart = False - If the value is True and if ContinuousTempSensor is set to False, the positions decompensate for Leitz and the common controller by the Leitz machine interface. The temperature compensation causes temperature compensation to compensate all positions that the MOVABS controller command commands. For example, the position that MOVABS commands results in a different position that GETPOS obtains when temperature compensation is active.
FDC does not do temperature compensation of positions. It only probes and scans.
COMPENS_FILE_NAME = compens.dat - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces. The value is the name of the compensation map data file that PC-DMIS uses if UseVolcomp is set to 1 or 2. This specification can include a path.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
ConstantSpatialDensity = True - The density of the measured points is kept constant during the scan path. If the value is False, the speed modulates the scan density. This means it is equal to the specified value at the nominal scanning speed, but where the speed reduces because of the surface curvature, the distance between the measured points decreases proportionally to the speed. The initial default for this parameter may vary. It depends on the type of controller because it may automatically adjust when PC-DMIS reads type and configuration information from the controller.
ContinuousTempSensor = True - On machines with a temperature sensor that remains in continuous contact with the part that you are measuring, set the value to True. On machines with a temperature sensor that must be manually held in contact with the part that you are measuring long enough to obtain a valid read of the part temperature, set the value to False. This registry entry applies only if you enable temperature compensation and set it to have the controller perform the thermal compensation for the part.
ConvertToDEABridgeAxisConvention = True - If you use a horizontal machine, set the value to False. The value must be True when a DEA map that is resident on the computer compensates the bridge machine.
CW43LAirTestDelayTC = 0 - This registry entry specifies an integer delay time in milliseconds. If the value is greater than 0, PC-DMIS waits for this length of time after it sends a command to change the air state (on or off) before it starts to check the status to verify that it is complete.
CW43LThirdAxisTCLeftToRightLift = True
CW43LThirdAxisTCSlot = -1 - This registry entry indicates the number of the CW43L probe changer slot that contains the third axis C Joint. When the continuous C Joint station is not in the probe changer, you should set the value to -1.
CW43LThirdAxisTCVerticalSlot = -1
CW43LTRecoverEmeTC = False - This registry entry applies only when the third axis wrist is present. If the value is True, when an emergency occurs during a probe change operation, the third axis is homed if necessary.
CW43LTRestoreWristAfterTC = 0 - This registry entry determines whether PC-DMIS performs an angle rotation to restore the previous AB angle after a probe change operation with a CW43L probe changer. If the value is 1, the probe changer restores the wrist to the AB angles that it used prior to the change. If the value is 0 (the default), the probe changer does not perform the final angle rotation that restores the prior wrist values. This option is available from Leitz interface version 3.41.
CW43LTTCAntiCrashMode = False - To enable a special mode for CW43L probe changers that is more careful about preventing possible crashes, set the value to True. It performs an extra test of the air status at various stages before it continues with the following operations. It also uses the setting for CW43LTTCAntiCrashSpeed to override regular speeds from the measurement routine, etc.
CW43LTTCAntiCrashSpeed = 0.0 - PC-DMIS uses this registry entry if CW43LTTCAntiCrashMode = True. The value is the speed to use during anti-crash mode changes. If you use absolute speeds, the value should be in mm/sec. If you use relative speeds, the value should be a percentage of the maximum move speed.
CW43LTTest3AxisSlotTC = True - This registry entry applies when the third axis wrist and the CW43L probe changer are present. If the value is True, before any drop-off or pick-up operation with the third axis wrist, PC-DMIS performs a check on the presence of the third axis on the probe changer.
CW43LTThirdAxisSlotAngle = -1
DebugCMM - This registry entry is part of the generic debug support that interfaces share. It does not apply to this interface.
DebugCPU - This registry entry is part of the generic debug support that interfaces share. It does not apply to this interface.
DebugFile = debug.txt - This registry entry specifies the name of the file that contains debug output if it is enabled. If you enable debug output, this file reinitializes each time PC-DMIS starts. This file can become quite large if you enable debugging and leave PC-DMIS in an "idle" state for a long time. Even if PC-DMIS is idle, it continuously updates positions, and that activity appears in the debug file. You can usually find this option on the Debug tab of the Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup).
DebugLog = False - To enable debug output, set the value to True. You can usually find this option on the Debug tab of the Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup).
DebugPosReport - This registry entry is part of the generic debug support that interfaces share. It does not apply to this interface.
DebugTitle - This registry entry specifies the title of the Debug window.
DebugWindow = False - To create a window that contains debug output, set the value to True. This output is part of the generic debug support that interfaces share. However, it is usually not useful for this interface because of the typically large volume of debug output that appears when you enable the output.
DefinedScanOffset = 0.25 - This registry entry specifies the value of the offset force to maintain during a scan with an analog probe in mm. PC-DMIS uses this parameter instead of the value for the Offset force option on the Probe Options tab (Edit | Preferences | Parameters) only if the value is not 0.25.
DelayBetweenCntlCAndCntlBInMilliseconds = 500 - This registry entry delays the send of a Ctrl + B command to the controller after it sends a Ctrl + C (Break) command.
DisableCircularMoves = False - If the value is True, it disables circular moves (MOVCTR + MOVCIR), and the behavior is the same as for a controller that doesn’t have true circular moves. This feature refers only to the true circular movement capability in the controller firmware. It affects only the controllers that support circular moves. This feature is not the same as when you enable or disable circular movement/motion in a PC-DMIS measurement routine. You can still request circular motion in a measurement routine when you use a controller that does not have true circular moves. In that case, PC-DMIS approximates the circular path with a series of line segments.
DisableFastProbe = False - Some controllers support Fast Probe capability, which is an alternate way to probe when you use an analog scanning probe to take discrete hits. A value of True disables any attempt to use the Fast Probe mode, and PC-DMIS treats the machine the same as if it did not have Fast Probe capability. In a few cases, this option may prevent calibration errors. On machines that support Fast Probe, when PC-DMIS calibrates the probe, it usually calculates calibration coefficients for normal probing and fast probing. With some machine type, probe type, and stylus configuration combinations, you may not be able to successfully calculate coefficients for fast probe, and an error may occur. A value of True should prevent that type of error.
DisableRawpointMode = False - This registry entry is not currently used.
DisableSP6LowMatrixUpdate = False - A value of True disables the availability and use of the Lower Matrix calibration procedure.
DisableTraxCal = False - This registry entry disables the TRAX method of probe calibration.
DisableWRISTCSY = False - If the value is True, the interface does not send a WRISTCSY command. In some specific hardware configurations (common controller + continuous wrist + horizontal arm + SP600 probe on some machines), the WRISTCSY command may cause problems. Usually, the value should be False.
DisengageDrives = False - If you want to use this type of machine in Manual mode or for scribing, set the value to True. This option does not function on some machines that use this interface.
EnableEstatus = False - If the value is True, an ESTATUS command is included as part of the continuous position/status timer loop. Some controllers do not support this command.
EnableInitCm = False - If you enable this option, all of the controller parameters reset to their default values. This option applies only if you select the ReadCmmDefaults option.
EnablePrbtypOnUHA = False - Older firmware on UHA (Ultra High Accuracy) machines did not support the PRBTYP command. Newer firmware usually does support this command. You may not need support for this command for fixed head machines where the probe type never changes. Some newer machines that use wrists in combination with the HR-R probe change rack do need it.
If the firmware is new enough to support it and if this setting is set to True, the machine will use the PRBTYP command. If this setting is set to False (default), the machine will not use the PRBTYP command regardless of whether the firmware supports it or not. This setting has no effect on non-UHA machines.
EnablePrintButtonToForceHit = False - This registry entry only applies if you use a fixed probe. If the value is True, you can press the Print button on the jog box to take a hit.
EnableRotaryClockMode = True - To enable attempted support for user-selectable direction of table rotation (clockwise, counterclockwise, or shortest), set the value to True. Some controllers and/or firmware versions only support the shortest direction move, and the commands that support directional control may cause an error. In that case, a value of False should prevent the error.
EnableShowEstop = True - If the value is True, a SHOW ESTOP command is part of the continuous position/status timer loop. Some controllers do not support this command.
ExpectedMissSpeedUpFactor = 2.0 - In some measurement situations, a hit may be requested in a scenario where it is expected that it may miss the part. In those cases, the hit request to the interface is flagged to expect a miss. This is a multiplier that is applied to the normally requested touch speed when issuing a measurement request where it is actually expected to miss the part. The hit request is commanded at a touch speed that is the regular touch speed multiplied by this factor.
FlipAAxis = False
FlipBAxis = False - These flags reverse the direction of rotation of the A or B joint of continuous motion wrists such as the CW43, CW43Lite, and IW42C. Reversing the B axis, in particular, was typically needed with common firmware versions prior to the year 2001. From 2001 and forward, this setting is machine-specific when you use these wrist devices. This setting should always be False when you use a Renishaw PHS.
ForceDVMOUT = True - This registry entry includes probe deflection output (DVM) with the data that analog scans produce.
ForceFlyModeOff = False - For controllers that support fly mode, a value of True always forces Fly mode to off.
ForcePrbpinAfterEmergency = False
ForceRetractMove = False - Some controllers automatically retract after a DCC measurement, and others do not. If the value is False, PC-DMIS assumes that the controller automatically retracts. If the value is True, PC-DMIS assumes that the controller does not automatically retract and explicitly sends a move command to move to the retract point.
GemodekBox = False - Only set the value to True if you use it on the Gemodek box that emulates the Leitz protocol.
HasContinuousCJoint = -1 - This registry entry indicates the presence of a third wrist axis that is infinitely indexable. See the note below about usage with a probe changer.
HasFlyMode = 0 - If the value is 1, it indicates that the controller supports the use of "fly mode" movement commands. A value of 0 indicates that fly mode is not supported. For some controller types, this may automatically be set to 1 based on characteristics obtained from the controller during startup.
HasGracefulStop = False - This registry entry indicates whether or not the controller supports the Ctrl + Z method of stopping machine motion immediately but without disengaging the driver motors. If True, PC-DMIS sends Ctrl + Z when the user requests a stop. If False, PC-DMIS sends a Ctrl + Y. This may also stop machine motion but may disengage the drive motors, which would require manual interaction to do a machine start before proceeding.
HasTempcompCommands = False - This registry entry indicates whether or not the controller can accept temperature compensation related commands. For some controllers (for example, a Sharpe 32Z with at least the minimum required firmware version), this may automatically be set to True.
IgnoreAllWarningMessages = True
InPositionToolChangerDelay = 2.0 - This registry entry specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the machine waits in the slot at the changing point for air pressure to accumulate or dissipate prior to moving out of the slot during a CW43L probe changer changing cycle.
IppScanAcceleration = 50.0
IppScanOffset = 0.15
IppScanTypeForSoC = 2
IppScOnCirDiamAjust = False
IppScOnCirSfa90MappedToCyl = True
IppStrictScanEndVector = False
IppTempCompCoeff = 0.0
IppTempCompSwitch = 0
IppUseHssForSfaX = False - This registry entry specifies a group of parameters (beginning with Ipp) for use with I++.
Jog_PartAlign_InCurrentAxisMode = True - This registry entry affects the jog box axis directions when jogging. If the value is True, it rotates the jog box to be consistent with user-defined axis directions. If the value is False, PC-DMIS uses native axis directions.
JoystickPolarityZ = 0 - You can use this registry entry to control the polarity for the Z axis on the joystick. To use the typical convention, set it to 1. To use the reverse of normal, set it to -1. If the value is 0, it leaves the setting unchanged so that it is the same as it was before you started PC-DMIS. Note that this does not change the permanently-saved controller configuration. If you reset the controller, it reverts to the saved configuration. Note that this does not affect the coordinates read from the Z axis. It controls which way the arm moves for the given movement of the joystick.
LeitzJogboxDisplayCSY = 2 - This registry entry controls how to handle the coordinate system for the built-in coordinate display on the Leitz jog box (DISPCSY). If the value is non-zero, you can press the appropriate keys on the jog box to select the Machine coordinates or Workpiece (i.e., part) coordinate for the display.
0 = This value disables the attempted control of DISPCSY, which prevents any attempt to send the relevant controller commands to enable, disable, or define this coordinate system. A value of 0 should prevent errors if you use a machine that doesn’t recognize or support DISPCSY.
1 = This value forces the machine to Native Machine, which enables you to use the jog box keys to select the Machine or Workpiece coordinates. When you select Machine coordinates, the display is in the machine’s native coordinates regardless of whether or not axis re-assignment had been used in the setup.
2 = This value specifies that the machine is User Defined Machine, which enables you to use the jog box keys to select the Machine or Workpiece coordinates. When you select Machine coordinates, the display is in the machine coordinates as defined by the user’s setup. Note that this is different than Native Machine coordinates if axis re-assignment was used in the setup.
LeitzJogboxDisplayUnits = 1 - This registry entry specifies the units (inches or millimeters) to use on the built-in coordinate display on the Leitz jog box.
0 = This value disables attempted control of the units. This value prevents any attempt to send the relevant controller commands so the units remain unchanged.
1 = This value specifies the measurement routine units. When you open a measurement routine, the jog box display units are set to either inches or millimeters to match the units that the measurement routine uses.
2 = This value specifies millimeters. The display units are in millimeters regardless of the measurement routine units.
3 = This value specifies inches. This value specifies inches. The display units are in inches regardless of the measurement routine units.
LeitzJogboxJoystickCSY = 2 - This registry entry controls how PC-DMIS handles the coordinate system for the Leitz jog box joysticks (JOYSTCSY). If the value is non-zero, you can press the appropriate keys on the jog box to select Machine coordinates, Workpiece (i.e. part) coordinates, or Probe coordinates.
0 = This value disables attempted control of JOYSTCSY, which prevents any attempt to send the relevant controller commands to enable, disable, or define this coordinate system. A value of 0 should prevent errors if you use a machine that doesn’t recognize or support JOYSTCSY.
1 = This value forces the machine to Native Machine, which enables you to use the jog box keys to select the Machine, Workpiece, or Probe coordinates. If you select Machine coordinates, the joystick motion is in the machine’s native coordinates regardless of whether or not axis re-assignment was used in the setup.
2 = This value specifies that the machine is User Defined Machine, which enables you to use the jog box keys to select the Machine, Workpiece, or Probe coordinates. If you select Machine coordinates, the joystick motion is in the machine coordinates as defined in the setup. Note that this is different than Native Machine coordinates if axis re-assignment was used in the setup.
LockManRtRotation = False - If the value is True, it disables the rotary table movement when nothing is executing. This prevents the rotation of the table position with the jog box.
LOCTools = 0.0, 250.0, 500.0 (V3.0x and higher of PC-DMIS) - This registry entry is a temporary variable. You should only need it for older versions of PC-DMIS (prior to V3.7) where suitable probe changer calibration procedures were not yet implemented for the PMM machine. However, if UseInputMAGACSY = True and if you use the older PMM style of changer, PC-DMIS uses this variable in addition to the MAGACSY entry. The CYGNUS or PMMC machines do not use this variable. This variable is a comma-separated list of the probe changer port locations (in millimeters) in the probe changer. There must be one entry for each garage in the probe changer.
LowerMatrix_SP80 - This registry entry specifies the probe-type specific entries that are used on machines that support multiple probe types via the PRBTYP command, and that use a lower-level deflection matrix in addition to a tip-specific, upper-level deflection matrix. This parameter is a string of nine comma-separated values that make up the lower-level probe deflection matrix. The end of the name identifies the type of probe that it applies to. Usually, this entry is created and saved when you perform the lower-level matrix calibration procedure rather than by manual entry.
LowerMatrixSeed_SP80 - This registry entry specifies the probe-type specific entries that are used on machines that support multiple probe types via the PRBTYP command, and that use a lower-level deflection matrix in addition to a tip-specific, upper-level deflection matrix. This parameter is a string of three comma-separated values that are used along with the lower matrix when probe stiffness is computed for adaptive scanning. The end of the name identifies the type of probe that it applies to.
LSRPARAMMaxDistance = 15.0 - This registry entry is not currently used.
LSRPARAMPointTarget = 0.01 - This registry entry is not currently used.
LSRPARAMStandoff = -20.0 - This registry entry is not currently used.
MAGACSY = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - This registry entry is mainly for use on an original PMM machine with older versions of PC-DMIS (prior to V3.7) where suitable probe-changer calibration procedures were not yet implemented. Newer Wetzlar machines do not use this option. This registry entry specifies the probe magazine coordinate system. You can get it from Quindos. If you powered the CMM controller off and back on, and a TRACE is turned on in Quindos while you initialize the machine and perform an automatic probe change, you can see the MAGACSY command that goes to the controller. It consists of the MAGACSY keyword and six comma-separated values. You must enter those values via this registry entry. Even for a newer version of PC-DMIS that supports the calibration, PC-DMIS still uses this registry entry if UseInputMAGACSY = True.
MAGACSYClearance = 0.0 - The value is a comma-separated list of values (if more than one value is needed) in millimeters, one for each probe changer port present. It specifies the clearance distance in front of the probe changer to use when changing tools in that port. The value applies to all of the ports in the probe changer. PC-DMIS only uses the value if it is greater than a minimum acceptable value (currently, 75 mm).
MaxAccelX = 0.0
MaxAccelY = 0.0
MaxAccelZ = 0.0 - The value is the maximum acceleration (mm/sec/sec) for the X, Y, and Z axes. PC-DMIS normally reads this value from the controller when you first start PC-DMIS or any time you start PC-DMIS when ReadCmmDefaults = True.
MaxBufferedMoves = 10 - This registry entry specifies the maximum number of moves that we allow the controller buffer to queue at one time. You can use this registry entry to not overrun the controller buffer.
MaxSpeedX = 50.0
MaxSpeedY = 50.0
MaxSpeedZ = 50.0 - These values are the maximum speeds for the X, Y, and Z axes. Usually, PC-DMIS automatically reads these values from the controller configuration the first time you start the interface or any time you start the interface when ReadCmmDefaults = True.
MaxTableAccel = 0.0 - This registry entry is the maximum acceleration for the rotary table (if it is present). Usually, PC-DMIS automatically reads this value from the controller configuration the first time you start the interface or any time you start the interface when ReadCmmDefaults = True.
MaxTableSpeed = 20.0 - This registry entry specifies the rotary table's maximum speed in degrees per second (deg/sec). Usually, PC-DMIS automatically reads this value from the controller configuration the first time you start the interface, or any time you start the interface with the ReadCmmDefaults registry entry set to True.
For native Leitz systems, you can change the rotary table's maximum velocity with the MaxTableSpeed registry entry.
When you define a Move/Rotab command, the command uses the speed value set in the Rotary Table tab of the Parameter Settings dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Parameters). You can override this value to slow down or speed up the rotary table with the ROTABSPEED command.
For example:
In this example, the last five lines show the insertion of the ROTABSPEED command. The first instance speeds up the rotary table to 72 deg/sec, possibly to speed up the measurement process for a small part. The second ROTABSPEED command slows the rotary table down to 20 deg/sec, possibly for a larger part.
If you use the default value of 0 (zero) for the ROTABSPEED command, the rotary table's speed is proportional to the value set for the MOVESPEED command. This is necessary for backward compatibility prior to the implementation of the ROTABSPEED command.
For systems with stacked rotary tables, you need to account for both tables in the ROTABSPEED command, ROTABSPEED <wspeed>[,<vspeed>] where <wspeed> is table one and the optional <vspeed> is table two.
An example of a system with a stacked rotary table is the Optive CMM for Vision systems.
MaxWristSpeed_A = 50.0
MaxWristSpeed_B = 50.0 - These values are the maximum speeds for the A and B axes if you are using a continuous motion wrist. This has no effect for indexing wrists such as a PH10 or Tesastar-M.
MechanicalOffsetsInRawMachineCoordinatesV35 = False - This registry entry is part of the general VolComp setup that multiple interfaces share. This registry entry is not really used with this interface because the firmware performs VolComp inside the controller.
MechOffsetX = 0.0
MechOffsetY = 0.0
MechOffsetZ = 0.0 - VolComp is usually performed in the controller itself with this interface. If it is configured to require a probe reference point other than 0,0,0, you can enter the values in these offsets.
NewtonToMMConversion = 1.2 - This registry entry specifies the spring rate of the probe internal axes. This constant converts between a deflection force in Newtons and the corresponding deflection distance in millimeters. This value depends on the type of the scanning probe. Typical values are [N/mm]:
MTK1 = 25, MTK2 = 8, MTK3 = 10, MTK4 = 1.5, MTK5 = 10 - This registry entry applies primarily to machines that do not support multiple probe types via the PRBTYP command. For machines that do support PRBTYP, the stiffness conversion value is normally obtained from one of the following probe type-specific entries when that type probe is in use. However, this parameter provides a default value to use if some type of analog probe is in use that one of the following specific entries do not recognize. For any machine that has only one analog probe, even if the machine is capable of supporting multiple types, you should set this registry entry to the correct value.
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX1C = 1.2
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX1H = 1.2
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX1M = 0.6
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX1S = 1.2
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX3 = 5.0
NewtonToMMConversion_LSPX5 = 5.0
NewtonToMMConversion_SM25 = 1.0
NewtonToMMConversion_SP25 = 0.5
NewtonToMMConversion_SP600 = 1.2
NewtonToMMConversion_SP80 = 2.0 - These values are the probe-type specific stiffness values for machines that support multiple probe types via the PRBTYP command. The end of the name identifies the type of probe that it applies to.
OitPort = COM0 9600 N,8,1 - This registry entry sets the communication protocols for the connection to the OIT.
OitType = 1 - This registry entry specifies the type of OIT. Enter 0 if it is a GE OIT, 1 if it is a TESA OIT, or 2 for a VORNE OIT.
OldB2Controller = False - If the value is True, it does not send more than two parameters in a WKPPAR statement, as well as change slightly some initialization sequence, to accommodate old 1985 B2 controllers (serial LTC + ASA Board).
PH9Port = COM0 4800 N,8,1 - This registry entry sets the communication protocols for the connection to a PH9 if you use a serial port to connect directly to a Renishaw wrist controller. It is not normally used with this interface since the wrist controller connects to the controller and not directly to PC-DMIS.
PHSBatteryCheck = False - This registry entry enables or disables the battery check for PHS wrists.
PHSBatteryCheckWarning = This registry entry displays the "WARNING! All PHS Probes needs to be Requalified!" message when the PHS A and/or B axis needs to be homed.
PMMNewScanCircle = False - Set the value to True on newer controllers that support a newer type of circle scan command. This registry entry typically applies to B4 (or newer) controllers from Wetzlar.
PointDensity = 4.0 - This registry entry only applies to analog scans such as that with an SP600 probe or a WAB optical probe. It controls the density of sampling points that the controller takes during the scan.
PollCtrlComm = False - This registry entry continuously queries the controller for communications. It occasionally resolves some communication problems.
ProbeSpeed = 0.0 - This registry entry is usually not used. You can use it to force a particular probe speed. It is an absolute speed in mm/sec. If you set it to a non-zero value, all probing is done with this speed. PC-DMIS ignores any touch-speed commands in the measurement routine.
ReadCmmDefaults = True - If you start the interface when this registry entry is set to True, it requests to reset the controller. During the subsequent initialization, it sends commands to read the machine parameters from the controller for MaxSpeed, MaxAccel, etc.
RestoreWristAfterEmergency = False - If the value is True, when you start or resume execution after an emergency error while you use a continuous motion wrist, it restores the last-commanded AB angles before it proceeds. Some continuous motion wrists do not maintain the current AB when an emergency type error disengages the drives. You can use this setting to automatically re-establish them before you proceed with execution.
RotaryConvergence = 0.0 - This registry entry defines a threshold for the rotary table position after a rotation. The table rotation is not done until the table position is different to the commanded one of the amount established by the defined threshold. The threshold is in degrees.
RotaryDelayAfterMove = 0.0 - This registry entry specifies a delay in ms that is applied after each table rotation.
RotaryMinDelta = 0.5 - This registry entry specifies the minimum angular deviation that must be commanded before the rotary table moves.
RotaryOffset = 0.0 - This registry entry specifies the angular offset in degrees from the zero position of the rotary table if you want a zero reference other than the home position.
RotaryOffsetSpeed = 50.0 - This registry entry sets the speed of table rotation after homing to the reference position.
RotaryTablePresent = False - This registry entry indicates if a rotary table is present.
RotateWristFromController = False - Set this to True if you use a continuous motion wrist such as a CW43 or PHS. Set it to False if you use an indexing wrist such as a PH10 or Tesastar-M.
ScaleTempHiLimit = 40.0 - This registry entry defines the upper limit for axis thermal compensation (used in the SCLTMP command to the controller) when the controller is to automatically perform the thermal compensation of the machine axes. The units are in degrees C. It is unlikely that you need to change the default value. PC-DMIS does not use the value if HasTempcompCommands = False. Currently, only Wetzlar controllers use the value.
ScaleTempLoLimit = 0.0 - This registry entry defines the lower limit for axis thermal compensation (used in the SCLTMP command to the controller) when the controller is to automatically perform the thermal compensation of the machine axes. The units are in degrees C. It is unlikely that you would need to change the default value. PC-DMIS does not use the value if HasTempcompCommands = False. Currently, only Wetzlar controllers use the value.
ScanSpeed = 50.0 - Only analog scans, such as that with an SP600 probe or WAB optical probe, use this registry entry. It sets the maximum scan speed.
SendHSSFullData = 0 - This registry entry specifies the data path points that go to the controller during an HSS or a VHSS scan. This value only applies if SendHSSVectors = True.
0 = X,Y,Z,I,J,K
1 = X,Y,Z,I,J,K,W,A,B
2 = X,Y,Z,I,J,K,W
SendHSSVectors = True - This registry entry only applies if you use a PMMC which does not have a rotatable wrist.
SendOptionProbeOnManualHit = False - If the value is True, analog probing parameters from any OptionPRobe command that is present update when a manual hit is requested. By default, (False), they only update for DCC operations.
ShowFullErrorText = False - Usually, when a machine error occurs, an abbreviated version of the error message appears in dialog boxes. If the value is True, it tries to show the full message.
SP25_Uncalibrated_SM5_NLPPAR10 - This registry entry specifies the linear deflection coefficients to use for the first-time calibration of an SP25 scanning module. Each type of module (SM25-1, SM25-2, through SM25-5) can have its own set of coefficients. There are three entries (NLPPAR01, NLPPAR04, and NLPPAR10) for each module type. Each entry consists of three comma-separated values. The three entries with three values each collectively provide a 3X3 deflection matrix for the given module type. You should not usually attempt to modify these values unless an appropriate Technical Support representative specifically directs you to modify them.
SupportsCALMAT = True - To indicate that the controller supports the CALMAT special calibration command, set the value to True. This registry entry mainly applies to Wetzlar controllers.
SupportsDVMOUT = True - If the controller supports the DVMOUT command for enabling deflection output from analog scans, set the value to True.
SupportsFASTCHNG = False - If the controller supports the FASTCHNG parameter for probe changes, set the value to True. If the controller supports it, and the value is True, the FASTCHNG mode is enabled for a full change (with both a drop-off and a pick-up) within a single probe changer. It is set to False for a drop-off only, pick-up only, or if you are using multiple racks, and the drop-off and pick-up are in different racks. When you enable the mode, it prevents backing out from the slot after a drop-off. It can then move directly over to the pick-up slot while still above the probe changer. This eliminates unnecessary motion and results in a faster overall probe change.
SupportsFastProbe = False - If the controller supports the Fast Probe mode of probing with an analog scanning probe, set the value to True. Some controller types automatically set it based on information that the controller returns during startup.
SupportsLSRPARAM = False - This registry entry is not currently used.
SupportsPRBRDV = False - This registry entry determines whether you can use the PRBRDV command to specify the probe radius deviation when you calibrate an analog probe. For controllers that support profile commands (i.e. SupportsProfileCmds = True), this is automatically determined by the response to the software profile command regardless of how you set this registry entry.
SupportsProfileCmds = True - If the value is True, the interface sends the CMHWPF, CMHWST, and CMSWPF commands to the controller when PC-DMIS starts to get information about various capabilities. It also gets status information such as whether or not the CMM needs to be homed. Some older controllers may not recognize these commands. A value of False does not send these commands.
SupportsRawpointMode = False - This registry entry is not currently used.
SupportsShowAutzer = False - PC-DMIS does not use this registry entry (regardless of whether the value is True or False) if SupportsProfileCmds = True. If SupportsProfileCmds = False and SupportsShowAutzer = True, the interface sends the SHOW AUTZER command when PC-DMIS starts to determine whether the CMM needs to be homed. Some older controllers may not recognize this command. A value of False does not send the command. If SupportsProfileCmds and SupportsShowAutzer are False, it is not possible to automatically determine whether or not the CMM needs to be homed; you then need to answer a Yes/No prompt about homing.
SupressSCAonSCAPARCommand = False - This registry entry only applies to PMM machines when desired.
TC3AxisSlotChannel = 7 - This registry entry applies to the CW43L probe changer with the third axis C Joint.
TCAirInputChannel = 8 - This registry entry applies to the CW43L probe changer to read the status of the air solenoid.
TCAirOutputChannel = 8 - This registry entry applies to the CW43L probe changer to activate the air solenoid.
TCLiftDistance = 115.0 - This registry entry specifies the vertical distance in millimeters that the machine moves when the CW43L probe changer slot covers lift.
TcpipConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 5.0 - If you use TCP/IP to communicate, the initial connection attempt with the controller waits this long before it considers it a failure to connect.
TcpipIPAddress = - This registry entry only applies if you use TCP/IP to communicate with the controller. You must set it to the IP address that the controller uses.
TcpipPort = 2001 - This registry entry only applies if you use TCP/IP to communicate with the controller. You must set it to the port number that the controller is configured to listen to. Usually, this is port 2001.
TCPort3AxisClearance = 55.0 - This registry entry specifies the horizontal distance in millimeters to move a probe attachment free of the CW43L probe changer mounting pins for the station that you use with the 3rd axis C Joint.
TCPortClearance = 35.0 - This registry entry specifies the horizontal distance in millimeters to move a probe attachment free of the CW43L probe changer mounting pins.
TCRack3AxisClearance = 230 - This registry entry specifies the default horizontal clearance distance in millimeters for the CW43L probe changer for the station that you use with the 3rd axis C Joint for free movement between stations and the mount point.
TCRackClearance = 150 - This registry entry specifies the default horizontal clearance distance in millimeters for the CW43L probe changer for free movement between stations and the mount point.
TestAirOn = True - This registry entry checks to see if sufficient air pressure is available for a probe change on the CW43L probe changer after it sends the command to open the air solenoid.
TestVolcomp = 0 - This registry entry is for internal-use only. It should be set to 0.
ToolClampForce = 1,1,1 - Most current machines do not use this registry entry. The value is an integer that indicates the clamping force to use for a given probe. Usually, the value is 1. Sometimes, you can use 2 or 3 if you need it for heavier probe configurations. Enter the values as a comma-separated list. Each garage in the rack must have one entry.
UnparkOnShutdown = True - This registry entry applies to controllers with a PARK capability in the firmware.
UnparkOnStartup = True - This registry entry applies to controllers with a PARK capability in the firmware.
UnparkWarningMsg = "Do you want to unpark the CMM?" - This text appears for unpark confirmation. This registry entry applies to controllers with a built-in PARK capability.
UseDebugManager = True - If the value is True , the interface uses the debug manager if it is enabled. If the value is False, it does not use the debug manager even if it is enabled.
UseInputMAGACSY = False - If the value is True and if you use the older PMM style of probe changer, it forces PC-DMIS to use the user-input MAGACSY even for a newer version of PC-DMIS where the PMM probe changer calibration has been implemented. This allows a user-override of the calibration result.
UseMoveAll = True - Some controllers support moving all six possible axes (X, Y, Z, A, B, and either W or C) in a single command. If the value is True, a MoveAll request attempts to use this on controllers with this support. If the value is False, a MoveAll request is handled with separate move requests for the machine axes and wrist axes regardless of whether the controller supports a single move all command.
UseScanSpeedAsBasis = False – This registry entry controls which value to use as the 100% value when you convert percentage speeds to absolute speeds. If the value is False, the machine max move speed is used. If the value is True, the value from ScanSpeed setting is used.
UseTcpip = 0 - If you use TCP/IP communications, set the value to 1. If you use a serial port, set it to 0.
UseToolChangerMountPoint = True - For Leitz probe changers, False ignores the common probe mount point and moves directly to the garage change point.
UseVolcomp = 0 - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces. It selects the external VolComp method to use. Use 0 for NONE, 1 for DEA Standard, and 2 for DEA DLL (wcompens32). Note that option 0 (NONE) means that PC-DMIS does not perform VolComp within the software (wcompens32). It is possible (and in most cases, probable) that the controller is set up to perform the built-in VolComp.
There are two different versions of the wcompens32 DLL. The older version supports a format for the compensation data map that a newer format has replaced. The newer version of the DLL supports only the newer data format.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
UsingOldWcompens32 = False - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces. Set the value to True if you use external VolComp and try to use the older version of the wcompens32 DLL.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
VariableHighSpeedScanning = False - Common Firmware version 17 or above supports variable high-speed scanning. PC-DMIS can use it from Leitz interface version 3.30 if the value is True.
Version = 0.0 - This registry entry indicates the software interface version. You should not manually change this value.
VolCompMethod = 1 - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
WarmupStationPowerState = 0 - If you use a Warmup Station for laser probes, this registry entry specifies the state to set when PC-DMIS first starts. Usually, this value should be 0 for OFF or 1 for ON.
WCompensMode = 1 - This registry entry is part of the generic VolComp support for interfaces. If you use VolComp outside of the controller, set the value to 0 for a horizontal arm machine or 1 for a regular vertical arm machine. For a horizontal arm, also ensure that ARM2CompMode is set correctly if on a dual-arm machine.
This registry entry is not normally used with this interface as the VolComp is almost always done inside the controller.
WristAOffset = 0.0, WristBOffset = 0.0, WristCOffset = 0.0 - The A and B offsets only apply when an IW42C, a CW43, a CW43Lite, or a Renishaw PHS wrist is present, and the controller does not store the offsets. They "square up" the 0,0 position of the head so that it aligns with the machine axes. The C offset only applies if a third axis/joint (C joint) is present.