Rules for Manual Scans

This topic discusses rules for manual scanning using a hard probe on a portable device.

Rules for Manual Scans in General

The following description lists the rules that you must follow to have manual scanning compensate correctly and with greater speed on Arm devices.

When multiple rows of manual scans are being done, we recommend that every other scan line be reversed.

For example (continuing the scan of the sphere as outlined above):

  1. Begin the scan along the surface in the +X direction.

  2. Move to the next row and scan along the -X axis.

  3. Continue to switch the direction of the scan as needed. The internal algorithms depend on this kind of regularity and could give poor results if the scheme is not followed.

Compensation Limitations

With Fixed Distance, Fixed Time / Distance, and Fixed Time scan, PC-DMIS automatically lets you take manual hits in a three-dimensional manner and in any direction. This is useful when scanning using free moving a manual device (such as a Romer or Faro arm) whose axes cannot be locked.

Since you can move the probe in any direction, PC-DMIS cannot accurately determine the proper probe compensation (or the Input and Direction vectors) from the measured data.

There are two solutions to the compensation limitations: