
This registry entry sets the level of antialiasing by entering the number of multisamples to be made. 2x antialiasing samples each pixel twice. 4x antialiasing samples each pixel four times and so on. When you enable this registry entry, each pixel is sampled multiple times at slightly different locations within the pixel. An average color is computed from these samples to determine the final pixel color. This effectively reduces the model's jagged edges in the Graphic Display window.

Higher antialiasing settings produce better visual results at the expense of slower system performance.

Entry Name: Antialiasing

Entry Type: The Antialiasing options are determined by the capabilities of your graphics accelerator. Some graphics accelerators may support 64x antialiasing while others may only support up to 16x or may not support it at all. If antialiasing is supported, the default value is 8x. If antialiasing is not supported, the default value is Off.