
This registry entry automatically sets the alignment reference ID if it detects a missing reference in an alignment's RECALL portion of the code when:

For example, suppose you have this alignment:


Notice that the "RECALL" portion doesn't reference an alignment ID after the colon.

If this registry entry is set to True and if the alignment just above this statement was named A1, PC-DMIS would automatically put in the reference to the alignment just above it in the Edit window, resulting in a more complete statement that looks like this:


Additionally, it will not allow you to manually delete the reference ID from the command.

Setting this to True may change alignments when measurement routines are opened (by filling in missing reference IDs). In these cases, you must ensure that any alignments are correct before executing the measurement routine; otherwise, the changed alignment could cause a machine crash. You can verify alignments are correct by recomputing them in learn mode using the Alignment dialog box.

Entry Name: AutoSetAlignmentReferenceIDWhenBlank

Entry Type: True / False boolean value. The default value is False.