When this registry entry is set to 1 (True), functionality specific to etools is used. This functionality does the following:
If a feature’s thickness in PC-DMIS is zero and it is non-zero in the Inspection Plan, PC-DMIS assumes that the zero value is because of importing from PC-DMIS 3.5, and it automatically changes the thickness of the feature in the measurement routine.
When deleting a command in the Change Manager, if there’s a comment with the name [feature_name]_COMMENT, PC-DMIS deletes it as well.
When importing a feature through the Change Manager, if the feature has a feature locator text defined, PC-DMIS creates a comment with that text and adds it together with the feature.
Entry Name: ChryslerSettings
Entry Type: Whole number that specifies True (1) or False (0). The default value is 0.