
The CAD model is cut by the given plane and then the CAD cross-section polylines are used to find, for each step that is used along the CAD polylines to look for the best interpolated COP point (see "CrossSectionCopCadCrossSectionStep"), the best interpolated point on the COP (taking care of CAD vectors).

If the CrossSectionCopCadCrossSectionDrivenByCad entry is set to 0 (False), first the COP is cut by the given plane, and then each COP interpolated point is projected against the CAD cross section polylines to find the corresponding CAD point. This second possibility is especially useful when CAD vectors cannot be appropriately oriented.

Entry Name: CrossSectionCopCadCrossSectionDrivenByCad

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies True (1) or False (0). The default value is 1.