
Allows you to define the default value for the Str Ang option that will be used when an Auto Feature is created. The Str Ang value represents the starting angle on the sphere. This is a user supplied angle in decimal degrees. The field will take any value between 0° and 180° (and -0° to -180°). This value is used for Contact probes while the StartAngle value is used for Vision probes.

Entry Name: DccStrAng

Entry Type: Real Number to specify the angle in degrees. The default value is 0.

The major axis of the current workplane is 0°. This can be visualized as the pole pointed to by the vectors. 180° is the direction the vectors point away from, and 90° is parallel to the plane formed from the given point and the given vectors as the normal vector.

The major axis of the current workplane is 0°. The starting angle looks down the centerline and moves in a counterclockwise direction.