
This registry entry processes the return value of the GETPOS call. It provides Firmware Distributed Controller (FDC) rotary tables the ability to move through 0 and 360 degree positions when used with the value for the EnableRotaryClockMode registry entry.

EnableRotaryAbsolutePosition is disabled if the EnableRotaryClockMode registry entry is set to False.

Entry Name: EnableRotaryAbsolutePosition

Entry Type: TRUE or FALSE.

If set to TRUE (the default), it enables FDC rotary tables to cross the 0 and 360 degree positions. You can use this with the EnableRotaryClockMode registry entry. If that entry is also TRUE, the properties for SHORTEST, CW, and CCW through the 0 and 360 positions are allowed.

If set to FALSE, moves through the 0 and 360 degree positions are not allowed.

It is recommended that for Firmware Distributed Controller (FDC) rotary tables, the EnableRotaryAbsolutePosition and EnableRotaryClockMode registry entries should both be set to TRUE.

Do not change these settings. Refer to the Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM) help file for detailed information.

