
This registry entry allows you to define the default value for the On Error option that PC-DMIS uses when you create an Auto Feature. The On Error option allows improved error checking when PC-DMIS detects an unexpected or missed hit. When this registry entry is set to TRUE, PC-DMIS automatically take a Read Position whenever an unexpected probe hit or missed probe hit takes place during the measurement cycle. The software also measures the entire feature with the new location obtained from the Read Position.

Entry Name: PTP_OnError

Entry Type: True/False value. The default value is FALSE.

You can use this option on all the Auto Feature measurement types except Vector Point, Surface Point, Sphere, and High Point.

For additional information on what options you have when PC-DMIS detects unexpected or missed hits, see "Branching On an Error" in the "Branching by Using Flow Control" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.