This registry entry enables different void detection methods to compute the distribution of hits when creating Quick Select Auto Contact Plane features.
Entry Name: VoidDetectionNewAlgorithm
Entry Type: Whole number that defines the method used to compute the distribution of the hits described below.
Example 1:
VoidDetectionNewAlgorithm = 0 (zero)
The void detection method works in the following ways when creating Auto Contact Plane features:
Case 1 - When the Spacer value on the Contact Sample Hits Properties tab of the Auto Feature dialog is equal to 0 (zero):
The total number of hits are distributed on the defined # of rows.
The points per row are adjusted dependent on the length of the rows.
Total number of points is equal to Rows x Hits per Rows.
Case 2 - When the Spacer value is greater than 0 (zero) and single-selecting QuickFeatures or using the Auto Feature dialog box:
The total number of hits is equal to Rows x Hits per Rows.
The distribution of the points is on a limited part of the plane surface using the spacer as the distance between the points.
Case 3 - When the Spacer value is greater than 0 (zero) and multi-selecting QuickFeatures:
A grid is used to distribute the hits using the spacer as the distance between the points in a row.
The number of rows is equal to "Rows".
Example 2:
VoidDetectionNewAlgorithm = 1 (default)
The void detection method works as described below:
Case 1 - Same as Case 1 in Example 1.
Case 2 - Same as Case 3 in Example 1 when single-selecting QuickFeatures, multi-selecting QuickFeatures or when the Auto Feature dialog box is used.
Example 3:
VoidDetectionNewAlgorithm = 2
The void detection method works as described below:
Case 1 - Same as Case 1 in Example 1.
Case 2 - When single-selecting QuickFeatures, multi-selecting QuickFeatures or when the Auto Feature dialog box is used, and the Spacer value is greater than 0 (zero):
A grid is used to distribute the hits, using the spacer as distance between points in a row. The number of rows is equal to "Rows" for each selected surface.
The link between sub-paths depends on the selection order and can be optimized if necessary.
In each example, the distribution of points takes care of the boundary offset as the minimum distance from the boundaries. You must pay attention to the value of the boundary offset to avoid values that are incompatible with the dimension of the selected surfaces.